Friday, March 31, 2006
2:20 PM
a screwed start to a bloody screwed year.
if you haven't already figured, i'm not in the bestest of moods today.
damn chinese.
damn the school.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
4:00 PM
oh boy.
no more tests! YAY. for 2 whole weeks!
had physics and geog test today. sort of gave up halfway during the geog test cos i forgot everything i studied the night before. not as if i studied much, couldn't even keep awake haha.
april's fool is on saturday, how sad. our class decided to make it a two day event instead!
so we played a whole bag of tricks on our ss teacher [which we planned out during math].
first we turned off all the lights and had giraffe standing by the door holding a 'WELCOME' sign. he walked in and actually got a shock haha. but i dont think he realised we were playing tricks on him.
he was sort of puzzled how come so many people were missing from his class, though. and he looked around the dark classroom and went, 'actually... i'm very tired'. how typically lazy, TSK.
anyway he proceeded to turn on the com and the projector to continue on his ppt presentation on diplomacy from last lesson. [while he was talking the whiteboards behind him kept twitching] then he wanted to pull down the projector screen but found out that the string was gone! and he's ahem kinda SHORT *sniggers* he didn't want to embarrass himself jumping for the screen again [as he did last lesson] so he decided to rub off all the math equations that were on the center whiteboard so that the whiteboard could act as the screen. but we placed the duster on the top lefthand corner of the left whiteboard [just where he couldnt reach, grins] and he still had to jump for the duster anyway. when he managed to swipe the duster down, nat popped out of the cupboard behind that whiteboard and pretended that he caught her changing! he backed a little and jean, who was hiding in one of the cupboards below the whiteboards grabbed his ankles [or tried to] and jumped out.
he finally figured something was wrong, so he checked behind the whiteboards. he pushed the center one and found dinky there, sitting on a chair, holding a sign that said 'YOU'RE SACKED', and he found anyi before she could do her trick, heh.
he thought everything was over so he went on with the ppt presentation. after a while sarah, on cue, went 'mr azahar-' and puehleng popped out of the broom cupboard holding her file, and said ' were you watching me? were you watching me? if you weren't watching me, then i do not exist. in quantum physics, nothing exists if [something something]. am i late? i got lost in the parallel world.' and walked to her seat as if nothing happened. [he was so confused it was funny]
and then after a while ocean, on HER cue, asked him a question. after he answered it, sarah stood up with her file, and started muttering poems and wise quotes while walking round the classroom. she went back to her seat and mr azahar asked jokingly, 'is that diplomacy?'
which sarah answered, really seriously, ' oh yes, thats electricity.'
at the end of his powerpoint, ode [hehe you guessed it] asked him a question, which he answered. we all started cheering and clapping and sang him a birthday song. if he was confused before, man, this was funnier. he went, 'er thank you very much, but. but its not my-' and we burst into another chorus of the birthday song, chinese version.
then meilyn turned on the lights, and [its our group of six's turn to perform!] giraffe stood up, waving her 'MR' then me, stacy, christine, becca, and marese stood up consecutively, waving our 'A.' 'ROCKS' 'MY' 'SOCKS' '!!' like girls from the azaharfanclub. then we put down our signs and chanted, [all ready with our actions] 'be gay, dont be GAY! be gay, dont be GAY!' be gay, dont be GAY!' then plonked back onto our seats and started furiously scribbling notes like nothing happened.
when he turned to write notes on the whiteboard, we suddenly held up our signs [MR A. ROCKS MY SOCKS!!] and waved them madly as if we were in some singing concert. the whole class giggled and he turned around, and the look on his face was to die laughing for!
then he tried continuing on with his lesson, but suddenly mel raised her hand and asked if she could go to the toilet. he said yes, and the whole front row [mel anyi xiaolu] stood up and went out. he started again, but teri asked if she could go to the toilet ['yes'] and disappeared. one by one everyone in the middle row stood up, announced that she needed the toilet, and promptly disappeared out of the door.
after a while, they came back [one by one] and sat in another person's seat. but this trick didn't really work since he couldn't even recognise most of us in the first place -.-
so he went on about basic needs of people ['food, water, air, even sex-' at this point ocean shrieks and starts giggling madly], self esteem blah blah. after all that he asked 'any questions?' and we all stood up, grabbed our paper and pen and did a major seating arrangement swap.
a while later when he was shuffling through his notes at his desk, yannie [prompted by me] quickly ducked into our class' makeshift changing room at the side of the class, stood on the chair inside, peeked out from the curtains and shouted 'HI MR AZAHAR!' he was really impressed because he thought yannie had been hiding inside our changing room all this time without him knowing -.-
after that throughout the lesson, every time he turned to write stuff on the board, jean and ocean would make farting noises, and once jean remarked, 'rhea do you have food poisoning?!' he tried to catch them in action but didn't turn round fast enough, too bad!
finally he finished his lesson [5 minutes too early as usual] and decided to let us off.
mr a: ... i had 4 lessons before this. its very taxing for me.
someone: yeah its very GST for us too!
[5 minutes after the joke yannie asked me what that was about, then burst out laughing and shrieked 'HA HA HA THAT'S SO FUNNY' which sent the class into another giggling fit. yannie is SO dumb! (=]
mr a: thank you class!
401: may the force be with you.
tricks in english lesson tomorrow! whoohoo.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
2:54 PM
phew. i'm dead tired *deflates*
argh. still need to study for physics, dont want to die for this test.
hate physics.
finished step 3 for geog pt, finished ss FA essay (FINALLY), did sufficient on my rs design, finished vivavoce, finished lsl, paid off my library fines, omg i feel so achieved
only physics test, geog test, bio test, ss pt, chem pt, geog pt steps 4 5 6! i think thats all? no more right? no more?
today was a lucky day, 3 miracles! thank you, Lord.
books are evil, books are evil books are evil.
Monday, March 27, 2006
4:20 PM
i got two relatively thick books from the library, thinking that they would last me through at least the week so i would have something to read when i'm eating my meals or am not doing anything. but well i've finished both of them and even started on another relatively thick book rhea lent me [and hinted that she wanted it back quick quick] ):
so in a few day's time [if i havent finished rhea's book by tmr] i'd be bored again.
the first book was an agatha christie. she HAS morbid ingenious plots, woah. but dont really think it was very well written, how the protagonists got into the mystery was LAME.
and the second was by jodi picoult, called second glance. oh my what a beautifully written story. her plot wasnt as ingenious, but her writing is beautiful *sniff*
'..what if the place she moved to was even harder to get to than New Zealand? A place you couldn't get to by boat or by plane or even by f***ing rocketship? What if she went somewhere and the only way you could follow was to put a bullet through your head or hang yourself from your closet rack or run your car in a closed garage?' - Ross [Second Glance, Jodi Picoult]
yeah well it was kind of morbid, the kind that would make you look at your arm and think it would be interesting to slit through the skin to see whats underneath [dont worry i didn't do that] lol
and the third is by an eva rice, called the lost art of keeping secrets. so far its interesting in the mildly amusing sense, but i havent got much of the story yet!
ohwell. ): its kind of frustrating, since i'm supposed to be studying for the geog/physics tests.
i did some part of rs! okay we're supposed to have finished EVERYTHING by tomorrow, which im currently very far from, but its a start (:
this is the night when we capture forever and our tomorrows begin;
Saturday, March 25, 2006
6:18 PM
we shall not be mo-oo-oved,
we, from redcross we shall not be moved,
we, from redcross we shall not be moved
just like a tree, standing by the waterside
redcross! redcross! all the way!
we like it here we like it here
we've found ourselves a home,
a home,
a home sweet home! [BANG]
haha just felt like singing it!
its my kor's birthday today he's EIGHTEEN i cant believe it. time sure passes, huh.
we shall eat our foo-ooo-dwe, the campers we shall eat our foodwe, the campers we shall eat our foodjust the a pig, standing by a bowl of rice!- "I'll have roast beef with mashed potatoes and clayvy"
1:18 PM
my brother got into the ndp main contingent. haha.
he was so happy he called me up when i was in the library, and i forgot to switch my handphone to silent mode, so well it was kinda embarrassing..
and i am SO pissed. some @)$*$% idiot borrowed the book i wanted so sorely just
minutes before i did. grr. and the book was only returned yesterday. i was FATED to have the book! ): stupid. #($_$O$mjdopf;
blargh. school's catchin up. *dies* nooooooo *dies*
i HAVE to do something. out of all my items in the TO DO list, the only thing i've done is 'pay library fines'. i mean how pathetic is that?? it even made me even more broke [it was 8.25! ><]
Thursday, March 23, 2006
3:47 PM
i need to wake up.
oh f%#k
sorry i really needed that.
damn, damn damn f943 damn.
although i search myself, theres always someone else i see;
3:22 PM
im bored.
im bored im bored im bored.
im bored.
and i still have:
2) ss essay
3) ss pt
4) geog pt
5) chem pt
6) physics SA test
7) geog SA test
8) bio FA test
9) chem FA test
either to be completed by end of learning journey week, or to be had by the 3rd week of the term ('cept for chem pt, 4th week).
it looks long, doesnt it? heh. well i havent done any of the assignment, nor have i started studying for any of the tests. WHEE.
if i can survive past the 4th week, maybe everything would go well...
at least for a few more weeks?
fighter pilots are
COOL. and they earn big bucks! haha. its the kind of perfect job type where you get to do what you love most and you get paid doing it. but you need good eyevision! ):
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
2:25 PM
haha year DCD!
yeah alot of people din dress crazy! and all those who did wore jackets, LOL
but it was very funny in kbox! we started off singing cool songs like jaychou's and jjlin's and only han and rach wanted the mike. but after a while we er got songs like tuo diao [hehe] and our favourite lian ai-ing and guo mei mei's bupabupa [which rach screamed out and maluated EVERYONE since the doors were abit not soundproof] and BARBIE [ken i'm having so much fun!] and dirty pop and lady marmalade [VOULEZ- VOUS COUCHER AVEC MOI, CE SOIR] and sk8r boi and 5566's c'est ci bon [C'EST CI C'EST CI BON, LALALALALA OH OH] and spice girls and.. you get the idea ^^
there were two guys next door who were acting really dramatic like waving their arms about with a constipated look on their faces while they were singing and one even shook his butt! we were so amused we decided to copy them [not the butt shaking part though]
overall all it was really high and stuff! even though chet broke the heels of her boots and broke a glass -.- and they confisticated my BK sprite and said they would return it after we finished, but they DIDNT.
oh and i had my math viva voce (: it was really weird but i just crapped and she just nodded and mine ended real quick! phew.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
2:43 PM
ahhh tomorrow's year DCD! haha.
im currently in pain. my right hip hurts like crazy cos i think i walked too much or something >< and its getting worse so i dont know if i can even walk tomorrow.
math viva voce tomorrow. i still don't understand the term mutually exclusive. i mean i understand but i dont understand it in our math pt's context..? heh.
Monday, March 20, 2006
2:52 PM
Lonely rivers flow to the sea, to the sea To the open arms of the sea yeahLonely rivers sigh, wait for me, wait for meI'll be coming home, wait for me Oh, my love, my darling I've hungered, hungered for your touch A, a long, lonely time I know that time goes by so slowlyAnd time, time can do so much Are you still mine? I need your love,I , I need your love God speed your love to me haha. i've just heard the best rendition of the song today. such a nice song!
to sing during camp breakfasts too, haha.
oh, milo, my coffee,
i've hungered for the toast,
a long, hungry time
and time goes by, sooo sloooowlyyy~
Sunday, March 19, 2006
10:12 AM
i'm bored of this blog, already
can you tell?
i guess a few weeks of not blogging took its toll, plus a few other matters currently at hand which are too depressing/pissifying to talk about
so, i guess-
Thursday, March 16, 2006
4:48 PM
dawn yeo's pms-ing!
i mean thats the first time in oh, well, forever. i snapped at her and she snapped back! hahaha okay its kinda amazing because for 4 mighty years i've been thinking [in awe] that nothing ever ruffled that dinosaur's feathers. you could scream at her and whatever and she'd just go 'ohsnose! poor komodo' or something. but now i know what BAD HAIR DAYS DO. (:
chill dear! i'll uh help you forge your excuse letters for missed trainings or something. grins.
ps. kevin covais, get out already! pfft. somehow i think ai2 was and still is the best. ^^
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
4:39 PM
grah, everytime i feel like posting something, i automatically type 'www.diary-x...' before realising it ain't diaryx anymore.
phew just finished %@) philo essay. i had like 1.5hours to write a crap 700 word essay. it totally did not make sense [to me] but who cares, as long as elau figures something out inside, and i ended it rather nicely!
i love nice endings. i can almost completely forgive horribly written beginnings and plots if the story ends beautifully.
haven't gotten anything much done so far ): i've wasted so much argh time.
shall have to argh buck up ><
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
3:32 PM

i went to get a cup of coffee earlier on when i realised that the cup i was using had the words 'tea'.
how ironical.
anyway yesterday i jokingly accused my kor of stealing my mum's skirt. he replied that he wore skirts every day. i asked him why he wasnt wearing one today. upon when he exclaimed, 'oh no! you caught me with my skirt down!'
GROSS. wouldn't you say gross!
and my brother accused me,
me, of having hairy legs. hello? hello?! im insulted.
oh oh and youknowhat i think i lost about an inch off my waist (: and i can see faint makings of pecs! i mean they're really faint and you cant exactly see them unless you pulled back some skin- but WELL. its a great beginning, innit. HAHA.
maybe my eyesight's deteriorating.
1:58 PM
i've finally decided to get another blog.
it's kinda sad diaryx's gone, cos in my opinion it was the best around.. heh.
haven't blogged for a long, long time, and i'm at a loss! haha.
anyway, the name of my blog- its in memory of another great diary that disappeared when diaryx crashed ):
took a dang long time trying to find a template, i must say. i spent the entire night trying to find a template that didn't have nothing to do with hearts, ugly fonts, depressing messages, black backgrounds, pink and suicidal teenage stars. God, its appalling how many pretty templates were ruined by act cute hearts.
many stuff's been happening that i haven't had a chance to talk about, mainly fd com, tests [eww], enrolc and my day out!
fd com'06, we got into the finals then lost. it was quite sad, but well the squad did very well [we had this really really perfect bang on close order dressing in the first round! ^^]. i'm so sorry i made so many mistakes ):
my tests. argh i'm so dead. i'm so dead. i pretty much screwed up my english compre and my math test. i'm so dead. i tried, but time didn't seem to be on my side at all.
enrolc'06, it started off as another dredgy camp that we couldn't participate in
[thats what really suck being the oldest] but it gradually smoothened out and we got really.. high. while we were out of watergames thanks to Womanly Woes we started reminiscing [like old ladies] about our years in rgsrcy.
our first enrolc skit that we put so much bloody effort rehearsing and making props for; our first parade; our really horrible secone ttime skits TV Rojak and Money Mummy and our great song yueliangdaibiaowodexin which our ma'ams so confidently said would definitely get in but didnt; our brilliant POP skit Tetanik [titanic, bollywood style] which finally reduced our ma'ams to tears, something we'd been attempting to do for the past 2 years but couldn't; our re-entered ttime song item in our third year, yueliangdaibiaowodexin, which had undergone drastic changes to win second and become what its like now and our finally winning skit item The Perfect Girl; our year4 winning song item For the Longest Time, and so much more.
haha we remembered how attitude problem we were when we were secone (:
then during debrief i hung pea yen and luvy went to lie on the dirty tracks to look at the stars. for the first time in my life i could see every single star, millions and billions in the sky through all the clouds and light. it was like, wow. we started talking about the plane in sky and how it could be in australia right now [long story], about how we're actually the wrong way round and should be falling through space now if not for earth's gravity, about how many millions could be looking up at the same sky, wishing on the same star at that moment, about the africans who are luckier than us because their sky isnt obscured, but also about how they might wake up the next day finding the person next to them dead, and about our really memorable secthree tc night when we were doing the same thing- lying on the dirty track/ dirty netball courts the whole night talking.
halfway through we heard, from the canteen, the loudest rendition of the redcross song we'd ever heard in history. it was rather cough out of tune, but the meaning was there. we helped sing! lying down, of course. ^^
then braved perverts to accompany yen home haha.
day out, went out with dawn and hung! it was so funny. our dress theme [by dawn porn] was AUNTIE. dawn was the only one who really adhered to it! auntie hairband with string that kept unravelling, auntie shirt, auntie jeans, auntie belt and auntie handbag! haha.
funniest moment-
me: *points* OMG!!
dawn: *looks around* where? where! what!
me: shop name la.
i and hung managed to get tops but not bottoms cos we were out of time and money ): haha.
okayy i guess thats all. au revoir!
1:45 PM