Thursday, April 30, 2009

2:53 PM

Ehheh the beatles! Reading a newspaper which I haven't drawn cos I'm lazy :P Soon soon. Hopefully someone will have a better scanner! Cos I know I will misplace all my drawings one day. Damnit I keep dropping my pencils on the floor.

My back hurts ): I need a job so I won't stagnate on this chair and kill my back.

Monday, April 27, 2009

5:44 PM

Yay I finally got proper pencils (:

Ugh I need a better scanner. The resolution is horrible and the scanner ate up alot of shading haha

Anyway, the weirdest thing happened yesterday haha. Sarah, xianying (who randomly followed sarah to church!) jeremy and I were on a bus after church. Then the 3 girls were on one side, and jeremy was sitting on the other side with this fat china woman. Well I was staring into the distance and randomly at the people sitting opposite me. There was this pretty angmoh girl! But that's not the point. Suddenly the chinawoman started gesturing and said something 'piao4 liang4' dunno what to jeremy, and he was like, huh what? And the woman got super agitated and started pointing to ME and calling me ugly! Zomg pls. At first jeremy thought she was joking with him, until she started chanting 'hao2 chou3!' and pointing to me then we realised she was going crazy :S Haha the 4 of us have no idea what happened, but here's some postulated theories:

1. she's never looked into a mirror before and seen herself :\ I mean seriously if that pretty angmoh girl called me ugly at least it's understandable.. but to be called ugly by this chinawoman was a total insult :/
2. she thought I was staring at her and judging her! Which I wasn't, except once when she crossed her legs I saw her varicose veins and thought to myself I hope I won't have varicose veins when I'm old..
3. she fell in love with jeremy, what a match made in heaven! And when I glanced his way she got super jealous
4. she was trying to find a way to chat jeremy up

Haha yes and then she spent the rest of the bus journey with her nose up in the air, hands crossed over her varicose vein filled legs, looking like a dowager. Albeit one in cheap checkered shorts.

But okay an experience of a lifetime huh. It's like that other time, the guy in a chevy!! Which I totally forgot to mention.

Anyway one day I was on my way to school to pick up something for my 26th buddy. While walking suddenly this chevy stopped by me and a guy beckoned me to come closer.

guy: do you know the way to thomson road?
me: uh I'm not very sure, but I think you just need to drive straight on, it's somewhere ahead.
guy: oh okay.. how far is it? Are you going there?
me: shouldn't be too far, just drive straight. Nope I'm going to school..
guy: oh. Can you give me your number so I can call you if I get lost?
me: uhhh. Well actually I'm not very sure too, my sense of direction quite bad..
guy: oh.. but if I get lost can I call you?
me: ... I don't think that's convenient.
guy: you think I'm a bad guy??
me: well no, but I'm really not so sure, why don't you just drive straight!
guy: so I can't contact you in future at all? Is there any way?
me: ?? Haha NO *runs off*.

Then he drove off.


Happy birthday mandy! (:

Thursday, April 23, 2009

3:00 PM

I was curious about what the gospel of Judas Iscariot said, and why Mark and Luke's were included when they weren't even part of the 12 apostles, so I went to read that and also all the other gospels not included in the New Testament. Haha I can see why so many of them weren't included, some of the things these gospels say are really shocking!

In Judas', he's apparently Jesus' favourite apostle while all the other apostles were bad men. Jesus would pull him aside to tell him stuff that the others couldn't know about. But the Jesus in this account is a bit weird, He laughs a lot (especially at his apostles) :S He also talks a lot about stars, how we all have this star in us that guides us in the things we do blah blah.

The gospel according to Thomas also made it sound like he was Jesus' fav, but it's mostly a list of parables and wise words of Jesus similar to those found in the canonical gospels. The most shocking thing in this gospel is this: S imon Peter said to them, "Make Mary leave us, for females don't deserve life." Jesus said, "Look, I will guide her to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of Heaven."LOL. Looks like butch is the way to go, then.

The gospel of Peter seems to be similar to the canonical gospels but apparently it's very anti-Jew and it claims that Jesus felt no pain while being crucified, so that's why its not included.

The infant gospel of James is very interesting! Uh it says infant gospel I think cos it's about the time period before Jesus and stuff. Well it's mainly about Mary. Her parents couldn't give birth but prayed so hard that God gave them Mary. I realise this is something very common in the bible! Like Isaac and Samuel. Anyway like Samuel the parents gave Mary to the church. Then when she was old enough the church wanted to marry her off, and there was this huge event thingy. Joseph (is an old man here!) happened to walk by and accidentally won Mary, young enough to be his kid. Haha poor thing. But yeah lah other than the fact that Joseph is an old man and not a young man, most of the info in this gospel sounds similar to New Testament stuff.

The gospel of Nicodemus was about the trial of Jesus, about what Pilate said and did. It's very long so I didn't finish reading it :P But the top half sounds similar too lah! Maybe just trying to push the blame off Pilate abit more.

Oh the gospel according to Barnabas is the most interesting! It runs very parallel to Islam at some points, and Christianity at others. And once again, Barnabas was the fav of the 12. According to Barnabas, Jesus was only a prophet. And Paul (not Judas Iscariot) was the one who betrayed him, but Jesus managed to escape and Judas was the one crucified in His place. Lol. Anyway Jesus apparently said that He was not the Son of God, but Muhammed is.

Strange stuff huh? No wonder they were banned. And no wonder only Matthew's and John's made it into the Bible, the other apostles seemed to want to make themselves Jesus' favourite a lot :/

Anyway! This makes everything all the more confusing. We shall need to build a time machine and go back to the past to really witness what happened to know what exactly happened :/

Who's to say where the wind will blow

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

4:37 PM

Well! Today something very coincidental happened.

Both ye wei and my younger bro got hit in the face, broke their specs and cut their eye! So weird right! But wei cut his eyelid and my bro cut his cornea so I guess the world isn't that fair heh.

But my bro is getting himself into too many scrapes these days. First he goes kayaking and gets himself sliced at his knee (6 stitches) then he plays floorball and gets a cornea cut (that also needed stitching technically, except that'd mean introducing more holes into his eye which isn't a good idea).

Pray he doesn't go blind please!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

5:56 PM

You have no idea how bored I am )):

Just about all the guys are/have gone into the army already ): Half the population is gone ):

Sigh. I need to find better things to do with my time haha than to spend it trying to colour my drawings in photoshop. It's the silliest and most time consuming thing to do! But anyway since I've done it, CLICK ON IT so that you can see it BIG BIG and not waste my time doing stupid things like using photoshop to colour stuff. Can someone buy me a tablet. Or something (:

I have decided to pick up many hobbies. Which happen to be bad for my wallet, but oh well ): But okay I will go and learn how to draw well! (: That's the ultimate goal.

Oh, happy easter people! I think this day seems more of a day of celebration than good friday. Though good friday's supposedly more important for us since Jesus died for our sins then? Uh okay whatever I'm rambling. Geesh. I've been sitting on this seat since a few hours ago.

Monday, April 06, 2009

2:00 PM


Been having really horrible insomnia the past few days. Two days ago was the worst, I tossed for 5 hours before falling asleep.

I hope I can sleep tonight, it's been very tiring always being on the verge of sleep, only to jerk awake for no reason. Every night I stare at the slightly open cupboard, out the doorway, through the closed roman blinds, expecting to see a pair of gleaming eyes or the wisps of someone's long hair. I count in half hours, making sure to keep particularly still from 3-4am (because that's the scariest part of the night). After 4 I breathe again, and count until I can hear the trains at work at 5.30. Then as the sun slowly rises, I fall asleep at 6.30.

Before this trouble with falling asleep, I've been waking up in the middle of the night for no reason (and not be able to get back to sleep). Life sucks at times, you know?

I've thought it through, and I realise that the only way to solve this is to get a vampire husband. So he will be awake all the time, and I wouldn't always feel so helpless and scared when I wake up in the middle of the night to find myself alone, or find trouble in falling asleep, ever. Sounds good? Now to actually find a vampire husband.

In other less exciting news, I'm out of work now! Now, I spend my whole days reading books. I've read so many books since work ended, that the characters are starting to blend into each others' lives and I feel as if I've been reading an extremely long book and known them for quite some time, just with different names.

I guess I should do something more adventurous with my life, huh?

Friday, April 03, 2009

4:04 PM


I am totally so depressed right now. As mandy said about herself, likewise I think I'm the epitome of failure.

No one wants to give scholarships to me and my 7 distinctions ))): I can't even get shortlisted for the interviews )))):



The worst thing is, how to tell my parents?? They said they'll think about giving me father-mother after I tried and fail to get a scholarship, but not even being shortlisted seems like I wasn't trying hard enough right :\ Sigh.

Worst thing is, I doubt if I can even get into NUS. I really hate interviews and writing essays within time limits.

I WANT TO JUST GO TO LSE CAN SOMEONE SPONSOR ME PLEASE ): I promise I'll give you 50% off my hourly rate when you come to me for cases! Pinky promise.


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