Sunday, April 30, 2006
4:42 PM
my brother was playing the superman song for the thousand and oneth time when one phrase just jumped out at me:
you can all sleep sound tonight;i'm not crazy, or anything.i'm kind of taken aback cos he's been repeating the song over and over again almost every day since last year, and i never noticed that phrase.
i suddenly feel very sad for superman ):
Saturday, April 29, 2006
4:50 PM
yesterday was guides anual assembly. haha, giraffe was so funny!
cassandra (x
it was kind of amusing, everyone kept cheering after every sentence the emcees say.
but the funniest part of the whole event was the REFRESHMENTS. hiak hiak.
when the performance ended, the yearmates and i quickly took our gifts and gave them to the guiders, then rushed down to the canteen! HA. we were first after another bunch of scouts and deborah tan [the principal, not spsl]. we kept loitering round the food and snatching sandwiches and cookies and cocktail sausages (: then pea and chet tried to convince the guiders serving the food that they should give us one of their bottles of cookies, but sadly failed.
so we decided to sit at the table behind them [where, coincidentally all the bottles of cookies were] with the GB people. and then we uh
stole borrowed one bottle of cookies (:
GB: we are from angklung!
pea: i am from golf club!
wai: outdoor cooking club!
and then we er tried to steal one of their trays of jellies, but decided to return it to them out of the vast kindness in our hearts. touched by our generosity, they gave us a tray of jellies anyway, which we
pounced set upon with
barbarity poise and stature.
but this whole charitable thingy about giving us jelly made us suspicious that they wouldn't invite GB and RC next year, so we took carefully planned steps to throw them off their guard...
GB: why would we want to join UGs?
pea: yeah! who would be so stupid.
GB*really loudly*: we're DEFINITELY not from any UG.
[though their GB shirts were abit of a giveaway, but nevermind that]me: unlike us, all they know how to do is EAT.
pea: yeah, we're all so dignified.
*everyone snorts and chokes over cookies/jelly*
i accidentally dropped one piece of jelly on the table [oh, remorse! wasted food, how sacrilegious ):] so we stuck all our toothpicks into it, dressed it in rich yellow orange juice and fondly dubbed it
Jelly was green and resembled a porcupine, and was greatly revered by all.
many tears were shed when it was unceremoniously dumped into the trashbag.
and later when the crowd started thinning out...
someone A: when there's less people we will go attack the cocktail sausages
someone B: look! nobody! GOGO
*everyone stands up and runs to finish the sausages*
oh man, the refreshments part was so ridiculously funny. i think we got fuller on the laughing than the food [though we definitely ate more than anyone else]
haha, ohwell! last AA for all of us, anyway (:
so even if they dont invite GB and RC ever again we wont be there anyway hiak hiak was suddenly reminded of this song.
Lean on Me (acapella) - singingpinguinsSome time in our lives,
We all have pain,
We all have sorrow.
But if we are wise,
We know there is
Always tomorrow.
Lean on me,
When you're not strong,
And i'll be your friend,
I'll help you carry on.
For, it won't be long
Till i'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on.
Please, swallow your pride
If I have things
You need to borrow.
For, no one can feel
Those of your needs
That you won't let show.
Lean on me,
When you're not strong,
And I'll be your friend,
I'll help you carry on.
For, it wont be long
Till I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on.
Why don't you just call on me, brother,
When you need a friend
We all need somebody to lean on.
Well I might just have a problem that you'd understand,
We all need somebody to lean on.
Lean on me,
When you're not strong,
And I'll be your friend,
I'll help you carry on.
For, it won't be long
till I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on.
3:40 PM
after an attempt to read my english notes on family take additional notes, i realise i understand virtually
nothing whatsoever about family.
cheng totally took apart my grammar in english FA essay! it totally wasn't as horrible as she made it out to be, okay. i mean she even took apart
rhea's grammar. we read each other's papers and found out most of the supposed grammatical errors weren't even grammatical errors, hello. and according to her, i'm not allowed to use the word 'only' in my essay [she circled all my 'only's -.-]. i reckon she'd have ignored those sentences if i used more, according to her, 'mature' words like 'merely' instead, humpf.
and the word 'deviant' isn't politically correct, so i shouldn't use it. -.-
the way she makes it out to be, my expressions is totally horrendous! its like a two year old could write better then me. but i've been writing like that the whole of last year, and toh didn't find anything wrong with it.
the thing is that i don't think it was that all bad, its just that she didn't like the my style of writing or something. just cos i dont write like i'm a journalist from darling Times or Newsweek...
and after all that, she didn't even give me a
mark. not an indication of how well/badly i did. there wasn't even any constructive comment as to whether i answered the question/ had enough content.
which means if she marks my SA, i'm finished. ):
God, help.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
4:21 PM

the picture of our fallen light! with jean posiing under it, despite many protests from her concerned fans (:
oh, and the fan above my group of six went a little haywire again >< dear, if it drops on us, we won't need to take our EOIs anymore!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
2:34 PM
the sky fell down on our heads in 401 yesterday!
haha. actually the fan almost did, and the light did.
must be lee tien's fault. during bio when the fans were turning, one of them [the one nearest to our group of six! ><] started making really weird creaky noises. it really sounded as if it was going to collapse, so we quickly turned it off.
then a little while after, there was this loud 'ZBOM' and one side of the light nearest to the teacher's table unstuck itself from the ceiling. ms lee got kind of scared haha so she moved away. then the light drooped a little lower and hung more precariously by one edge. meilyn ran to the general office to inform them and they said they'll send someone soon to fix the light.
obviously, soon meant like, never.
the whole of bio was spent with ms lee carefully standing away from the teacher's table [and light]. nothing much happened by the end of the lesson, though.
lee tien: what lesson are you all having after this? ms tan ah? ha ha ha later fall on her head... CHOY
fortunately for doreentan she din come for math. unfortunately for my classmates, it gave them an opportunity to use the computer, which many crowded around to sign up to support badminton finals.
and when everyone was by the com, THE LIGHT FELL! [duh, as it would choose to] it didn't totally crash on my classmates and/or the floor, thankfully, but it dangled dangerously above everyone's heads by two wires. the whole class started screaming.
haha then there came the mr yang electricity jokes about getting a chair and/or table ready to throw at the light -.- he said, when you see your friend getting electrocuted, dont touch them- find the nearest chair/table and throw it as hard as you can at them. [er so if they dont die being electrocuted, they die from concussion and excessive bleeding? LOL]
meilyn ran to the general office again and finally they sent the greenman up to take off the light.
giraffe: our knight in green armour! <3<3
shuks took pictures of the light incident! shall get it from her some other day and post it. i have pics but sadly they're in my hp ): haha.
yayy i missed 3 lessons today! such a pleasant way to spend the day, lounging around in the sewing room for 3 1/2 hours ^^ haha and just for 15 screwed minutes?
Friday, April 21, 2006
2:54 PM
PHEW. weekend! weekend! ((:
yay we tested our stupid chemicar today, AND IT WENT TOTALLY OUR WAY.
actually yesterday we 'conspired' with simin's group [since it was peer evaluation] to pair up and that we'll try to be as sympathetic as possible towards each other when marking because we've all tried so hard and are so bloody tired of trying to get everything right.
but today beanie said she'll be pairing our groups up randomly, and we were very afraid everything would go wrong. but guess what! maybe its fate or whatever, WE GOT PAIRED WITH SIMIN'S GROUP as wished! (:
not only that, we din really have to show each other sympathy. our car, which only managed to run 20m ONCE during all those wasted experiment days, actually ran 21m EXACTLY. our 15 and 10m also ran within 1 meter of the target! ^^
omg i feel so blessed. heh.
but i still find it so totally ridiculous that its Earth day celebs today, yet we were at the road, producing carbon dioxide gas by the dozens. and killing large patches of grass by pouring vinegar and baking soda.
while we were testing our cars our two groups saw, in the dead grass patch by us, this centipede totally
covered in baking soda, crawling around. it was so horrifyingly sad. so i and simin poured water [cold from the watercooler, we were afraid the cold would kill it anyway] to wash the soda off it. then simin picked it up with a stick and we put it into the clean healthy grass patch.
we think ode accidentally stepped on it almost right after, though -.- but we couldn't tell cos we tried looking for it under ode's shoe and in the grass but it wasn't around anymore.
i wonder how many earthworms and ants we killed, that were under the soil we poured all that vinegar on?
aep today. was damn funny, as usual. our syringe had the words 'sterile single use' on the side. the words 'sterile single' was visible on the camera, so we decided to start our scene by pointing the syringe [innocently and accidentally] at the poor clay boy's ahem before starting the scene.
AHHH artclub and aep have a trip to london and paris this june! omg omg omg i wanna go. dont know if my parents will allow me to, since its as expensive as that wales trip last year ): but paris...! and we get to go to an art school or something according to yen!
i still miss wales. i miss wales i miss wales i miss wales. ):
Monday, April 17, 2006
2:55 PM
ugh, ugh, ugh.
why am i feeling so freaking screwed? its like, chem pt on friday, chem pt on sunday, chem pt today, chem pt tomorrow, chem pt day after tomorrow, and then chem pt the day after the day after tomorrow. chem pt from 3pm to 7pm. chem pt from 2pm to 10pm. chem pt
i wonder if the chem teachers ever tried, successfully, doing the impossible tasks they set us? i mean,
thanks, but i've got too much on my plate right now, i dont need to spend all my time trying to get a stupid waterbottle to move 5, 10, 15 or 20 meters, when it bloody can't.
what's worse is when they stuff the pt at us without prior knowledge of where the experiment should be held. and then few days before the thing, they tell us our experiment ground is the tar road. hello?! do you know how freaking different the results are on smooth concrete grounds and on rocky roads? so our results turn out even more screwed, like that was ever possible.
you know what? every time me, stacy, agri and rhea test our chemicar, it
always starts to rain, from since the first time up till today. we've even fondly [though not so fondly now] named it the rainmaker.
but its only just that i realise the reason behind this- even God knows how futile this whole thing is.
i'm just so, ugh. ugh. this is the dumbest, most futile-ly expensive, most time-wasting activity i've ever done in the whole history of my sad life. i'm so going to stink perpetually of vinegar and baking soda. the whole school's already reeking.
and i don't think our group's the only one facing such troubles, since just today i heard another girl who was behind me, saying her friend already spent 300 bucks buying vinegar.
dont think my group's that rich.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
4:29 PM
i walked in the rain to rhea's house yesterday!
it was wet-ly nice except the rain kept getting into my eyes and i couldn't see and oh SHIT my wet shirt's still in my wet bag! argh.
anyway it was kind of coincidental to think that a few days back when i was making my mental wishlist of what i wanted to do one mad day, the first thought was to walk in a thunderstorm. okay it wasn't really thunderstorm-ish yesterday, but still. ^^
getting to rhea's house was a horrible experience. i climbed, oh horror of horrors, 4 really scary overhead bridges. alone. each time it took whatever willpower i had to resist the urge to squat down right in the middle of the bridge and scream hysterically, so when it came to the third one it was kind of mentally taxing, yeah. ugh i
hate overhead bridges, they make me feel extremely paranoid-ly off balance.
and then my ezlink ran out of money. actually i knew it would, and i knew i should have topped it up at the mrt station, but i thought unless i took the wrong bus and had to re-take the bus i would just have enough to reach her house. of course things had to go wrong [check: murphy's law] and i took the wrong bus, which meant i had to go round the busstop asking people if they had spare change [cos i didn't].
and then i got off the wrong stop, which then led to me having to walk in the rain to her house.
rhea's reaction
was funny, though.
and oh and we managed to get our car to run 20 meters!! WHEE. our moment of triumph, please dont ruin by saying you've gotten a 20m reading long long ago or i'll personally strangle you.
before our chem project meeting the aep-ers went to school to shoot
pigeons dogs dick cheney's friend our films, only to have mstong telling us the shawlab wasnt open -.- but we worked on our set and mstong decided it was time to treat us for being so hardworking and nice and creative and successful in most of our ventures! we went to pastamania and had a nice time [because we didn't pay moo ha ha]. and we were trying to help mstong name her kid, haha.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
4:30 PM
today was kind of a down-in-the-dumps-sucky day.
english, we got back our english compre papers. before that e.cheng spent more than 15 minutes preaching to us about handling stress and whatever, cos 401's comprehension results this time was, quote, 'the worst in the entire cohort'. ohhh-kay.
then it was followed by an announcement that a huge majority of us failed/marginally passed the paper. the whole class looked as if they were about to faint [me too ><]
we were really good at english last year! and the beginning of the year during compre mocks, too ): but after we got back our papers all everyone asked everyone was 'did you pass?' followed by applause if you did.
of course, there WAS as usual some sick person who got really high... but thats just one.
fortunately i didn't do that badly, at least it wasn't low even if it wasnt really high. thank God for that. i seriously didn't even expect to pass, since i missed 5 minutes of the test and didn't even have to time check my paper.
for those people who failed, NEVERMIND still got pt and essay, i'm sure 401 can score well in these! (: if it makes anyone feel better we could like, asassinate the person who got the sick 37 marks?
was really tired throughout the day. accidentally fell asleep during the first half of chem, suddenly woke up and realised and started furiously scribbling down whatever was left on the board, heh. i was sort of in a semi-conscious state during that first half, so i heard some portions of whatever she was teaching, but when i woke up i couldn't seem to remember anything at all ><
ugh i am utterly drained. and my butt still hurts.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
3:45 PM
i am
aching all over. from my feet to my ankles and calves and knees and thighs and butt and back and arms ):
my butt hurts especially badly. weird, huh.
anyway jieshi and i have started our jinxing nonsense again. nowadays she keeps saying/doing the same things as me at the same time! wah lao, copycat only lor. last wednesday we were talking about ulp then suddenly both of us went 'do you still- *look at each other* JINX!' together -.- and it happened that we were both about to ask the same question! then today hung asked xue what sort of lips were the nicest, then xue was describing and then jess and i both went 'eh xue, look! *puckers up lips*' AT THE EXACT SAME TIME.
hmm i still think it has to do with the common 'jie' we have -.-
ahhh this term is so screwed. we have had, and are going to have summatives the WHOLE term. week 2 was geog test and physics test, week 3 was geog pt, week 4 is ss pt, week 5 is chem pt and english mock essay test, week 6 is math EOI , ss EOI week 7 is HCL EOI, english EOI week 8 is bio EOI week 9 is... i forgot week 10 is physics pt ):
xue says next term will be double of this! eeks. >< how will we survive?
currently i'm seriously on the verge of falling into many pieces because I'M ACHINGGGG LIKE CRAZY.
deep heat! deep heat!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
2:20 PM
ARGH. guess what. me han and yen went up to the shaw lab today to continue on our claymation, just to find some IDIOT deleted all the files off our computer's desktop. WHICH MEANS OUR PRECIOUS 15 SECONDS ARE GONE TOO.
15s of film= 4 hours of setting up the props and touching up the stupid clay figures, of retakes and re-retakes, of REALLY SMOOTH AND SUCCESSFUL FILMING. ): ugh, idiot.
the bright side is thank God i and yen didn't squash the clay mummy after that filming session... we almost did cos she was like squashed and manhandled and we've purposely finished all her scenes before she died already. and luckily jenny saved our first 15s into another harddrive so only half our work went to waste.
but we still took really long to touch the mummy and daddy up cos they were in really bad conditions. their necks werebroken, their arms were mottled with black clay, their hair and eyes were squashed, and the mummy's boobs were flat and her whole torso fell off at the waist -.- the worst part is that if you look back at our previous 15 s of film, you
can see that the mummy's boobs were bigger in the past >< um coincidental discovery.
we tried to support her torso onto her really slim waist by sticking metal wires into her, but i guess they were too long cos they kept sticking out of her at weird places, like the middle of her stomach, and her...yeah boobs [again] lol.
managed to re-film everything we've lost, just that it isnt as good as it was the last time ): oh well. better than nothing.
tired. ><
Sunday, April 09, 2006
5:01 PM
grrrrr just when i've finished my stupid !)#&$ ss pt, i find my printer's out of INK. how totally convenient. *gnash teeth*
i've figured that egalitarian societies are societies countries all can desire to become, but societies none can ever achieve.
what for try, then?HAHA.
8:22 AM
ss! argh its getting real frustrating, cos i don't know what to write about s'pore. >< the parts about m'sia are already so date-confused, i don't even know if they're right.
anyway, our last sportsfest is overr. haha how fortunate, tarbet actually went from last position to fourth! how strange that some people actually cried over that position, isn't it already considered really amazing that we improved -.- and our cheerleaders were great! (:
everything that's happening this year's going to be our last. our last enrolc, last april's fools, last swimcarn/sportsfest.. heh.
okay shall go back to 'ss-ing' [as jess calls it] before i start thinking bout grandmother stories.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
3:53 PM
YES the week's gone!
this year's incredibly messed up. everything's getting extensions.. and extensions... and more extensions, until everything meets up so its the same hectic timetable again, just later.
ss pt's extended to next monday! chem pt's extended to next next monday! bio eoi is extended to week 8.
haha thank God geog pt's overrrrr.
i met a kindred spirit in the form of an uncle today. went to hq today to collect stuff, but it was raining heavily, so i walked there in the rain and got drenched. i was preparing to walk back the same wet way, when this nice kind man offered me cover under his umbrella! actually when he asked me if i needed shelter all those warnings like PERVERT! THIEF! KIDNAP! kept flashing but it was kind of awkward to say no thanks and continue walking in the rain leaving him and his umbrella walking behind me right? right.
anyways i was too busy trying not to veer offtrack out of the cover of the umbrella, because everytime i did he would push the umbrella towards me instead of him and make me feel so bad, to notice him [except that he was an uncle] haha.
and its not everyday that some stranger would offer you shelter under their umbrellas, is it?
yeowch my ankles are hurting like crazy, and i'm tired.
good night.
ps. busybodies.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
5:03 PM
today's been a
totally ridiculous day!
azahar will be, from today onwards, dubbed as The Saviour of Viet Nam Women. long inside joke i have totally no intention of repeating for fear of bursting into maniacal fits of giggles [like in ss lesson]
and he is a big fat
pervert. he said the most interesting thing in vietnam's the women- the traditional dress they wear? its transparent. -.-
everything my table mentions today has to do with azahar and his immense urge to er save vietnam women. coughs.
oh and we did our chem pt experiment today! i swear, the whole school positively [or negatively] reeks of vinegar. and baking soda. the classrooms, the void deck, the canteen,
everywhere. and whose faults is it? the chem teachers! go blame 'em.
back to the topic, i think we're the stupidest bunch of people in the whole sec4 level. another long story to do with wads of tissue paper with baking soda, too narrow a bottlehole, disgusting spurts of residue and, aha! azahar the Saviour [and issues relevant to this topic].
YES and i finished my geog pt. 2 days before deadline, too, i'm so proud of myself, i can go to sleep.
au revoir!
Sunday, April 02, 2006
5:46 PM
yay! i feel accomplished!
i actually did my ss and geog pts today.
it wasnt much, really, just loads of research and staring and one page [out of bloody 4 ><] of article for ss, and step4 for geog [5 and 6 to go!].
but now i at least have some glimmer of hope about finishing my pts by thursday/friday.
maybe i drank too much caffeine, i don't feel like sleeping at all now.
9:42 AM
i am utterly confused about the state of singapore's multiracialism whatever. websites online keep ranting about how totally racially discriminatory the singapore government is, as if singapore has this whole new batch of Adolf Hitlers and the Chinese Aryans and stuff.
grr. this is so not helping my pt.
i have just intoxicated myself with a big cup of thick bitter [bitter-er than usual anyway] coffee, trying to wake myself up enough to do some work for once.
well, off i go, then.
Heavens, help me.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
5:12 PM
whopee, me han yen continued our claymation today! and it was kind of successful, despite many thousand retakes thanks to the fact that the daddy and mummy's necks and arms kept breaking off when we were moving them.
but finally we managed to get a few scenes done, well done, in fact! (: the lady mstong hired to teach us claymation said that our group's animation is the smoothest haha because we're really
kiasu detailed people who shoot tons of frames per few seconds.
han: eh i click [capture frame] 10 times ah.
yen: twenty la.
me: eh thirty la.
yen:... forty!
han: AIYAH fifty la, fifty!! no more!
phew. once this is done i don't EVER think i wanna attempt claymation again. it makes you feel like screaming at someone [the clay figures perhaps] when you spend a long time shooting a particular scene and the clay pencil holder on the fake table falls off and that means you have to reshoot everything.
of course, we got a little lazy at times (: like once when we turned the mummy's head, a few strands of her clay hair peeled off slightly, and we quickly stuck it on and continued shooting. so in our animation film if you notice carefully, theres this short section where the mum's hair detaches and curls back up all by itself, discreet and all.
magic, i say.
its times like this when you appreciate stop motion movies like chicken run and wallace & gromit. we spent since the beginning of the year [3 months, man!] making about 10
small filmsy clay figures, setting up a teensy set, and then filming, up to date, 30 seconds' worth of cartoon. imagine the time and effort it takes to build an almost lifesize set, proportionately with hundreds of figures [of rabbits and chickens], and doing a professional two hour long movie!
but anyway i'm proud of our work! (:
ohyes and the book rhea lent me a while ago was so addictive i'm on the third re-read ><