Wednesday, May 31, 2006
2:30 PM
lalala i'm taking a breather from physics! yay must thank yen. she showed me one of our ws which helped, sort of (: but im just blindly designing a circuit i dont even know is correctly connected or not, like whatever i dont exactly care now. ><
physics, ugh. drop next year.
art today was really a waste of time. i came to school just to find no one -.- in the end yen came, about an hour late, but nobody else came. wah lao, waste my time can. we slacked around the magic lab then talked to mstong then went home.
s'pore idol is totally hopeless. they all talk like they're reading a presentation script they only prepared an hour before. -.-
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
3:24 PM
i'm feeling really guilty right now.
i just found out the reason why my godangel stopped writing to me two years ago like, now- SHE TRANSFERRED out of rgs!
she didn't want to go to rj so the school made her transfer out. ): eh very sad okay! she had to go to a neighbourhood school cos the wellknown schools dont let sec4s in. and they bullied her cos she was... well, smart.
its quite, i don't know, noble? to leave something so big for your own dreams and stuff like that, isn't it.
i know i wouldn't. my dream occupation is too ridiculously ridiculous, even for me. haha.
Monday, May 29, 2006
5:15 PM
i need a red cross training camp right now.
i'm growing fat and lazy lounging round the house and eating all the time ):
and i don't know how to start on physics pt. at ALL. oh no oh no. i sort of regret not listening to yang. though i don't think it'd have made a difference. at least i won't feel so guilty.
so many more days before the hols end.
7 months to christmas. ><
Sunday, May 28, 2006
3:29 PM
"Why do the wicked live, reach old age, and grow mighty in power? Their children are established in their presence, and their offspring before their eyes.Their houses are safe from fear, and no rod of God is upon them.Their bull breeds without fail; their cow calves, and does not cast her calf.They send forth their little ones like a flock, and their children dance.They sing to the tambourine and the lyre, and rejoice to the sound of the pipe.They spend their days in prosperity and in peace they go down to Sheol." (Job 21:7-13)
Saturday, May 27, 2006
4:44 PM
my cousin returned home safely!
she was one of the people who went to easttimor for volunteer work and got stranded because of riots. at first the spore government din want to help her out cos she went there on behalf of unicef and not spore -.-
she's in the Today newspapers and on the news! (: cos she used to be a reporter for cna so i guess they covered her because of that. haha my mum very funny when she saw my cousin and aunt on tv. she was like, 'ta ma de no wonder [my aunt] told us not to go. dont want to let us steal the limelight!' LOL -.-
my parents were quite angry with my cousin for going to such a dangerous place to do volunteer work, because my aunt and uncle were really really worried over her since she went i think last year.
i guess it made me realise that when you think about doing charity in these war torn areas, it isnt neccessarily all heart and kindness and that everyone would support your decision.
its like an irony, isnt it, when your decision to care for strangers you never knew hurts the people around you?
haha. i wonder what my parents' reactions would be if i choose to do like my cousin did when i grow up.
Friday, May 26, 2006
1:56 PM
haha! june hols are here.
it feels weird. like the march hols just ended.
today's ms cheng's last day! it kind of came as a shocker, cos we only knew on thursday. oh man i hope we get a great teacher. i wish jtoh could teach us again, but since he's only teaching sec3 this year i guess not ):
giraffe made a very lame powerpoint for her! omg it was damn funny. 'presenting to you... you and your brilliant sarcasm.' 'things we'll never forget: 3)your legible handwriting 4)your brilliant grammar' and she put the really funny pictures of mscheng! mscheng was so horrified warned us never to circulate those pictures or else.
yeah aep! we did do very very well (: YAY.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
5:09 PM
i cant seem to get excited about the holidays.
i just cannot believe its only 3 days away. or 2.
everytime i think of it, i think....
SCHEDULEday1: stone.
day2: stone.
day3: stone.
day4: stone.
last day: panic. do all my homework. insomnia. EOYs. pts. DIE.
blah. i think its the post exam syndrome. like when you dont have exams to study for or results to worry about, you suddenly go cold turkey. you know? like drugs. at least you enjoy drugs while you're taking them. schoolwork = horrible.
well actually i've got tonnes of math worksheets, all my physics worksheets [since the beginning of this term], physics pt and chem worksheets i'm supposed to clear off. but let me have my delusions.
i have no homework!
[for a few hours]
4:41 PM
i'm a little more animated now i know i'm not going to fail secfour. or do as badly as i thought i would this sem. YAY.
i love math pt! omg that totally saved my life. <3<3 or my math results, more like. haha i and xianying were like screaming like crazy when we got our mathpt back! cos it just raised us up one grade point! and when math is worth 2 credits, one gp is like, ALOT.
and bio paper! phew.
i hope mstong marks really leniently [or actually, mark fairly] for our project. we put in 145052% more effort than the other groups.
everything else was rather a disappointment/ just satisfactory, BUT WELL. i guess i just have to work harder, eh. if everything goes as it had always been the past years then second semester will be loads better than the first!
i feel like a ms contrary. everything i do well in my class does badly, almost everything i do badly in my class does extremely well. it makes you feel like an odd one out [esp when everyone's happy abt their whatever results and you're not], no?
oh, well. CLASS PARTY TMR. yay!
2 more terms with 401!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
12:18 PM
sigh. you know, im really confused.
when i think i can score relatively well for a subject, i usually do badly. like, really badly. but when i have absolutely no hopes of passing, it turns out that that subject becomes my bestscoring subject. how weird is that? ):
anyway lets not talk about results or i might start bawling. argh.
okay stacy wanted me to do this.
1. stacy
2. giraffe
3. me
4. becca
5. agri
6. rhea
7. ms cheng
8. kor
9. christine
10. marese
1. what would you do together with 4 in a dark room which is possible haunted [becca]
um. i dunno. start talking about politics or something. hahahaha.
2. do you see any hint of a future superstar in 7? [ms cheng]
hell, NO. taitai, maybe. sniggers.
3. what do you think 9 is doing now? [christine]
studying ss. unlike me. ):
4. if you were 6, what would you change about yourself? [rhea]
i WANT to be rhea. now! at least i want her brains. um other than that maybe i wouldnt want to be so er well endowed.
5. name 1's most humorous experience [stacy]
well just 2 days ago giraffe was telling a joke.
giraffe: what did stacy's brain cell die of?
me and stacy: what?
giraffe: loneliness! hahahaa!
me: OMG *starts laughing with giraffe*
stacy: huh? how come?
me: LONELINESS. you only have one brain cell so it died of loneliness.
stacy: but.. cannot be! its surrounded by other brain cells right!
me: giraffe i think her brain cell died before you told the joke.
6. what would you see on 2's comment sheet for the subject 'television diva'? [giraffe]
cassaaaandraaaaa! hahaha she IS one already. according to everyone, 'cassandra sings like a crow!'
7. do you feel intimidated by 8 sometimes? [kor]
him? nah. i think i tell him what to do more than he tells me what to do.
8. do you forsee 5 as a future politician? what party. [agri]
eh not really. she prefers to be a farmer with me.
9. what would happen to you if 3 decided to become a nun? [me]
well i'd be a nun too!
10. if a fire breaks out and all the 10 people were trapped in the building, who would you save first, and why?
i would save number 3 first! cos its the first rule of being a first aider! save yourself before you save others!
11. how many strands of hair and teeth does 10 have? [marese]
i dont really bother to count, dear. i just know she likes to change her hairstyle haha.
12. if 9 was a colour, what would it be? [christine]
green or red, since they're her fav colours cos she loves apples so much -.-
13. should 3 ever be madly in love with an animal what fortunate animal would that be? [me -.-]
a human. [hahahaa! i bet you never thought i would be so smart]
14. which cartoon character does 5 most resemble? [agri]
we all know. the intelligent nutcracking squirrel in charlie and the chocolate factory.
15. list in decreasing levels of sanity, the 10 people you've named.
1. rhea
2. agrima
3. becca
4. marese
5. christine
6. kor
7. giraffe
8. me
9. stacy
10. cheng
oh and stacy if you havent found the meaning of arbitrary yet, its
1) Determined by chance, whim, or impulse, and not by necessity, reason, or principle
2) Based on or subject to individual judgment or preference
3) Established by a court or judge rather than by a specific law or statute
which sort of confuses me even further, but well.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
4:34 PM
argh i'm feeling extremely restless -squirms-
Name 20 people you can think of at the top of your head.Dont read the below questions before you write
and tag 5 ppl to do this survey.1.leech
- How did you meet 14? [wai]
haha redcross.
- What would you do if you never met 1? [leech]
LOL but i have!
- What would you do if 20 and 9 dated? [me and dawn]
*pukes* yucks. she's taken.
- Did you ever like 19? [rhea]
haha yes. she's in australia right now doing really cool lab work in a uni. i miss her, the lucky pig.
- Would 6 and 17 make a good couple? [shihua and rach]
ER i don't think so. they'd be fighting every day, they're like total opposites haha.
- Describe 3. [stacy]
well i've been her lab partner since sec1, and been sitting next to her since last year. but lee tien wants to change our seating plan!! ): she's too nice for her own good. and too hardworking, it stresses ME out.
- Do you think 8 is attractive? [chet]
well, i have to. we tied for ms universe singapore.
- Tell me something about 7. [shuks]
she's my current bf. or gf. who ever's the guy/girl at the moment.
- Do you know any of 12's family? [hung]
eh only by person. like how many siblings she has, blah.
- What's 8's favourite? [chet]
er se7en, max from tvxq and some anime people.
- What language does 15 speak? [pea]
english and chinese, mainly, but also vulgar tamil and i guess a little jap and korean thereabouts. we're multilingual people, my year.
- Who is 9 going out with? [dawn]
oh, i don't know, she's always changing her bfs. first she married louis khoo, then cheated on him, had jesse mccartney as her bf, then changed her orientation and fell in love with lijiawei until jiawei eloped with ronal susilo. then a series of other bfs like kwonsangwoo and ahji and whichever weird hongkong/korean star was shuai at that moment -.- i think her latest is the campus superstar winner, whatever his name is. haha. i forget.
- How old is 16 now? [tian]
15! her birthday's in july too!
- When was the last time you talked to 13? [luvy]
on thursday about the shirts and stuff.
- Who's 2 favourite band/singer? [jess]
she doesnt like bands, does she. oh she liked two campus superstar guys with similiar names. i forget, too.
- Would you date 4? [shuhan]
?? hello? NO. never. only used her to spite shushu once or twice, thats all.
- Would you date 7? [shuks]
hehe, am.
- Would you ever be in a serious relationship with 11? [chiaying]
chia?? NEVER. like no. no.
- What school does 3 go to? [stacy]
RGSS, the last i knew.
- Whats your favourite thing about 5? [giraffe]
HER OVERSIZED WILLY WONKA HAT HAHAHA. and everything else but her singing. its worse than mine.
Have you seen no.1 naked? [leech]
NO, and i dont plan to. leech, please don't try stripping on my tagboard, its gross.
i need inspiration for my BIG aep project! help, anyone!
1:54 PM
yesterday with yen and shuhan was funny!
i think we were abit over crazy for no reason or other. or maybe we're usually that crazy just that i didn't realise, i don't know.
[but well almost everyone else at aep is stuffily dull or stiff compared to us]yen: she burps in your face!
han: and farts at your back
yen: and she slaps your butt
han: and shakes her wet hair at you!
ning: all at once?
anyway first we all got a big scolding about our claymation prep work, though it wasn't our [me han yen] fault. yeah we werent the ones who only did their scripts and storyboarding half and hour before lesson, nyah.
then we went to spore art museum to see some weird exhibition which was called
fiction@love, though i dont think it really related to any of the art works at all. but there was this artist who had really cute artworks, you can go see at! haha.
oh and there was this ongoin competition where you had to draw 3 frames of a story that related to
fiction@love [frigging hard to, when you dont even know what it meant]. the prize for the top 3 was a nokia phone. we peered into the box containing all the submitted entries, and found out that they were all done by pschool kids! you know, crayon drawings of stick figures and whatnot. and we decided that we just needed to draw a little better and we stand a chance! haha.
so when mstong gave us 45minutes to think out our BIG project for the year, we spent the time drawing crap that looked abit better than pschool kid stick figures. they were really horrible and ugly, i guess, especially when we coloured them with crayons and made them look worse, but they really looked okay compared to the others. however sometime halfway through a bunch of [most probably] poly art students came and started showing an interest in participating as well!! ! ! !! !! they went all serious, discussing whether they should do this blah or that blah, and we were like oh no, they're gonna beat our better than pschool stick figures drawings! ):
then we realised that 45 mins was up so we rushed down, stil clueless about what our BIG projects were to be. we were worrying over getting beaten by those poly students all through mstong's talk. so once she finished we sneaked [yeah literally, since shuhan said we should act like professional spies -.-] up to where the drawings submission was, cos we wanted to see how they fared, and possibly do some um sabotage work.
sadly they were still drawing. we were discussing how to chase them away so we could look, but didn't come up with an idea, except the really stupid one which was wait.
so we went away to coffeebean to get drinks! we shared a cup of chocolate and a cup of mocca coffee that we found tasted nice when drunk at the same time. han made an observance that we were drinking real fast compared to other people.
han: i think we'll be the last to come in, but the first to go out.
yen: yeah, cos we three people share two drinks mah.
han: i think its cos everyone's doing useless, nonsense stuff. like talking.
we're not talking.upon which we all gagged and choked over our chocolate and coffee. how stupid can a shuhan get.
throughout the day shuhan was singing tarzan to irritate yen!
yen: tarzan is handsome, tarzan is strong!
shuhan: no! tarzan is skinny, tarzan is tall. tarzan is mo beng, yenlin likes tarzan!
ning: no you should change the tarzan at the end to ah [insert yen's crush], it rhymes with tall
shuhan: cannot la, or else everyone will know. but it fits his description perfectly right!
yen: NO i like clay aiken too! he's tall and skinny. yes i like clay aiken!
shuhan: too bad, clay aiken's not mo beng
oh man.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
2:05 PM
i major-ly screwed up semester one.
i don't know what the hell is wrong. its not like i'm not studying or anything.
i hate this.
oh, my God. i need help. please?
Saturday, May 13, 2006
6:07 PM
i just wrote an angry post but it got deleted.
i guess its God's way of telling me not to be pissed with them.
well, God, tell me how not to. i'm lost.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
2:08 PM
ahhhh i'm in shock. traumatised. mortified. ahhhhh! ):
that aside, i feel like a wreck. i need sleep! i can't think coherently.
i HATE math. i feel like cursing everytime i do math. especialy this differentiation thingo. why's it called differentiation in the first place? and i dont even understand the *ugh* formula.
and i just can't keep awake during yang's lesson. ): i realised everytime he starts talking about functions of electrical equipment [about switches or something the last time, and about fuses today] i just fall asleep. and wake up immediately once he finishes talking about them.
apart from those crap lessons today, ss was so totally, it was
so totally
hysterically funny i almost choked myself off my chair.
it started when azahar saw our philo essay questions elau wrote on the board. there was one that went 'luck is like tossing a coin', and he started talking about the oprah winfrey show, and how he watches it and blah blah. we were like,
what? azahar watches oprah! HAR HAR.
then he looked at the third question which was 'watching a movie twice is a waste of time', and he retorted, 'i watched a movie
six times.' the movie was called 'name of a rose'. he said it was something along the lines of da vinci code and popes and catholics, all those great religious controversy things he liked to watch that we should watch
. then he added, 'oh but it's R-rated, so you all cannot watch.'
the whole class was like, OHMYGOD? no wonder he watched it 6 times! coincidentally moments ago i was commenting to giraffe that 'name of a rose' sounded just like some old, romantic porn that azahar would love to watch!HAHA.
and that's even more evidence azahar's a big pervert! the kind dawnyeo likes (:
Sunday, May 07, 2006
4:10 PM
ohmyGod why am i not studying math?
COS I NOW DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT 6 - 8 EQUALS TO. i took what, 10 seconds to figure out?
i shall have to depend on my on-off flashes of brilliance, since i can't even do a single question of math now. how sad is that? very. extremely. argh argh argh @()#*!:#
shucks. i mightn't have time to finish studying bio by tuesday too. )-:
1:32 PM
my organ teacher just made me realise- pap won by an average of
oh my. how coincidentally ominously evil.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
6:00 PM
haha as expected, pap won almost the whole thing.
but the opposition put up a very good fight! ESPECIALLY wp.
i have nothing but utmost respect and awe for the hougang people. they just rejected 100 million bucks. and the potong pasir people! yay!
the aljunied thing was such a great pity though. 43%! ): haha nevermind its so close this time, hopefully 5 years would
knock some sense into change the views of the aljunied people.
my GRC obviously lost as well, but it was not bad a fight.
yeah i support wp this GE! read their manifesto. its damn good. haha not saying i dont support pap, i like leehsienloong quite alot and he should be the PM, but i think wp's aims for s'pore just seem more comprehensive and wholesome and less uh power oriented this GE.
but i'm quite shocked pap got such a low percentage for amk GRC! i mean, the PM's territory? what if he lost! haha he must have been quite worried, he obviously lost quite some sleep over the GE. did anyone else notice his humongous eyebags. and the newstation was so biased towards him. they let him air his speech in malay, chinese
and english, but cut off everyone else's after the first few sentences. they even cut off lowthiakiang's interview after his first sentence! huh.
well! 5 more years of pap, then. YOU KNOW, ITS SO UNFAIR. i'll be 21 years old then, but i wont be able to vote, just cos my birthday is in july!!! ): which means i have to wait 10 more years to vote. -.- that is, if 1) i'm still living in s'pore or if not, if i still care abt s'pore's politics 2) my area is contested.
ah now to know the results of our school's whatever perceptual ratings crap. why can't we just vote? its as if the school's afraid we'd landslide wp 90% to 10% or something. -.-
ps i thought the returning officer guy was very handsome for an old man hahaha dawnyeo would be interested ;) and no, i am not interested in contesting with her for his affections.
Friday, May 05, 2006
2:56 PM
Jesus Christ, i am never never never never going to open another cupboard in mr mah's side of the artroom
ever again.
today i and shuhan went about opening the cupboards on his side trying to look for some little plastic babies we saw before, to use as props. they weren't in the first two cupboards, unfortunately. then when i opened the third cupboard, a HUGE, frisky brown rat jumped out at me! *shudders* i and han kind of took turns screaming for quite some time. it was very funny, cos when i screamed, she'd scream, so i screamed again and set
her off once more -.-
i am still traumatised. all ms tong did was laugh.
apart from that we made huuuge progress on our film today! (: yay. we're going to be ready sooooon.

our cute boy boy pretending to be a judge. his hammer fell on his head and he fainted.
ooh i'm so proud of myself today! for the first time in two years, i actually got a better than average, if not totally brilliant score for my math! unfortunately it was only an FA, but still. i din even study for it (: i got 29 upon 30. *shakes butt* which put me on par with stacy, HA. but i figure its just those one-off flashes of briiliance i get sometimes that never lasts more than one day ):
haii. next week is a killer week. ><