Tuesday, January 30, 2007
3:31 PM
I don't know what to say, haha.
I feel like doing something remotely masochistic like a few hundred crunches/pushups or something but I'd probably die for napfa trialrun tomorrow.
Yen got me onto dark blue by jack's mannequin. It sounds like some weird psychotic song, like the singer's high on drugs or something haha. I like.
Arggh. Moodswing lah, wth.
12:30 PM
Omg I need my life to rewind back 28 days earlier.
Life so far has been too bewildering for comprehension.
Monday, January 29, 2007
12:02 PM
PHWOAR. I'm damn tired ):
Class sleepover yesterday! Haha so cool lah. But our class is so small! 9 people came, which is errrr half the class. Hahaha. 5 people stayed over.
Yiliang is a (@*#^)@. We went to bed around 2am, and he set his alarm to 4.30am??? Like wth. Then it kept ringing every 10 minutes and waking us up whenever we fell back to sleep. Haha.
THEN I HAD PE TODAY. Ahhhhhhh pe is damn hardcore I cannot stand it ahhhh. Wednesday is pe AGAIN and we have to run 2.4?? Torture lah. Omg. I still ache from last week's pe. Haha but yeah good way to train pecs. I love my tummy now :D
Was super stoned the whole day. Gp was very funny, har har. Benjamin is so dead. He was marking my answers to the gp pop quiz, and I gave really
really dumb answers. THEN HE SHOWED IT TO THE CLASS AND THE TUTOR like omg ggxx. What's the capital of US? Errr newyork. And my best: what's the nationality of the poet/ writer(insert muslim sounding name)? IRAQI.
Eh I'm not really that dumb okay ): I was just feeling stoned ): Hahaha.
And and this question was
seriously precious: which of the following does not belong to the 10 commandments? ...b) thou shall not covet thy neighbour's
Went back to rg after school with han and yen! :D To watch the jrs do footdrill. Juniors must do rgsrcy proud okay!
Came back and stoned with the OG in the library, our favourite hangout.
Went to ntuc to get melvyn's mortal her present.
Drained. I'm so tired my eyelids have sunk in? I look damn horror now.
Oh and I think I've seriously lost quite a substantial amount of weight. Wore my cullottes for the first time this year, and it's damn loose lah. I was swimming in it. Everytime I ran it'd jog up and down and rar damn irritating.
I keep using damn again. It's like the best word to describe everything.
Haha okay abit moodswing-ish now for no reason. Reading blogs is not good for emotional health. Especially when they're emo/ angsty.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
7:33 AM
Two more weeks before my kor comes back ):
Rar okay I only feel sad when he leaves. I hardly even talked to him when he was here lah? ... except to laugh at his head. Haha.
Bye bye bye bye bye bye.
Yay I like
take it all by hillsong.
Jesus we're living Your Name
We'll never be ashamed of You
Our praise and all we are today
Take take take it all
Take take take it all.And new og obsession: tu amor.
Tu amor, I will always be
Tu amor, means the world to me
Esteras siempre en mi corazon
You're the one in my soul
And I live for tu amor, tu amor
My professional teacher slash lifelong partner stacy has taught me well. THE SINGER PRONOUNCES TU AMOR WRONGLY :D
Okayyy random sorry. Other than that it's a really nice song! (:
AHHH STOP MAKING ME MAKE DECISIONS. I hate making decisions. Waste my brain juices. Wth. ): <
Saturday, January 27, 2007
3:54 PM
huige [4A'06]
Jiening Rocks lah[von] The JIANHUIS/ Melvyns/
JIENINGS/ Leonards- and Jianhui:
Jiening rocks lorh. And you rock too, but to a lesser degree
♪☺ ░▓ Lucas letting go... moving on... it's jus not meant 2 be
jiening rawks!! ▓░ ☺♪
jiening rocks. ...
l'asone grace tu amor means the world to me;
jiening rocks!
jiening rocks!
mister velvet voice.
I TOTALLY OWN JIANHUI MAN. That guy sucks lah. He went around telling people not to put jiening rocks on their nicks. BUT OF COURSE I'M MORE POPULAR. HAHAHAHA.
my nick: I wanna marry my stalker! and
JIANHUI SUCKS. grace rocks!
Okayyyy on high or something.
Oh and my class is having class sleepover TOMORROW. We'll be going to school together! HAHA. Cool right.
Friday, January 26, 2007
2:52 PM
Ahhhhhhhhh I'm so torn about everything. ):
I still don't know if I wanna change class during second intake, anymore. It's like. Ahh. I dunno, I've never been with 3C for weeks already, it's going to be hard to reintegrate back into the class. And 3R's kind of growing on me. It's so small and familiar, and the people are nice and stuff. And I'm not as antisocial already, like I actually joke with them and all that.
Blah I need God to help me decide.
But anyway today I ponned OG dinner for 401 dinner! NAT'S FLYING OFF TO AUSTRALIA. ):
I miss 401 so much! I miss rg so much! Hehh.
I feel so blessed, yet so cursed. ):
Thursday, January 25, 2007
3:03 PM
Mugging session again today! I think we're quite loser and very wuliao, but well.
Ahhh damn sad. It's always the few of us only, grace jh melvyn me, and sometimes ty jiayun von gerrard. The others always mia from mugging sessions lah.
But anyway today was super funny. Jh is damn nice to suan. I was laughing so hard my sides hurt like crazy.
Oh then we went to watch contact rugby it's such a violent sport lah. Barbaric.
Okayyy I'm going to be very very sleep deprived if don't stop going to bed only at 1am every day.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
1:39 PM
taekugi forever! <3
1:23 PM
I'm bloody tired! Had pe again today. Conditioning again! ):
Haha but actually it's quite satisfying. Burn fats! Burn fats! Hahaha. Yayy I'm on my way to my pecs. Whoohoo!
Today had artclub. Err to the botanical gardens? Heh.
I'm drained man.
OH MY KOR IS LIKE COMING BACK THIS SATURDAY. I am so going to stay home the whole day.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
10:40 AM
Haha apparently she was scared I'd turn anorexic, so she bought kisses for me and made me eat everything by today. Uh actually her instructions were to eat them all by myself, but haha my OG ate like alot too :D
Oh and 3C says wenyu might be transferring out of the class so there'll be a space. Going to ask the vp if I can transfer in after second intake :D But ahhhh I'm a little guilty/ sad about my new class. Like, so mean to them. And actually I'm quite used to them already, especially since my class is so tiny, so knowing one another quite easy. But my old class people are damn nice lah I love the class like hell. Ahh split me into two then can join both classes.
Today my class found out that the whole class can fit into one elevator at the same time. Yeahh that's how small my new class is, so if I leave haha. Gerrard will be damn sad also lah :D (lol jokes)
The guys in the class were daaaamn giggly today. And in such a gay way. They were giggling throughout econs because they kept dropping their books and pens on the floor -.- And during gp. It was long block, but the tutor thought it was a short block so he wanted to let us off. Then the guys started giggling like mad, and we were like, errr. Haha but their gay laughter quite infectious, the whole class started laughing at every sentence our gp tutor said, until he got super suspicious.
Oh yeah and we played captain's ball. Omg gerrard and jerald can jump damn high? Scary people.
Stayed in school and mugged a little with grace. Haaa I'm so proud of myself.
And apparently I had a classmate in p5 called hiokchau! AND I CANNOT REMEMBER. Even though he remembers me. ): But I can remember all my other p5 classmates who're in RJ now! Except him. Haha.
But I seriously got alot alot of taonan classmates in RJ. Like turn left turn right, sure have one in sight. Haha. Class reunion.
Monday, January 22, 2007
2:48 PM
Confuuuuuuuused ahhh don't mess with me ):
1:15 PM
Haha I love mugging with the OG. It's damn mad, lah. We start crapping and joking and gaying around. I think we made quite alot of noise :S Some crap librarian person came around screaming at all the J1s because apparently the J2s were trying their hardest to mug and we were being nuisances. But yeah she was even louder and more irritating than us lah. But mmm I love my OG! For the thousandth time :D We managed to get some work done through the madness. I feel so accomplished! Hahaha I finished my chem qns (up to where the lecturer stopped, unlike mad von who just finished the whole thing).
Damn tired, had PE today. Haven't exercised for ages and I'm super out of form. Okay even when I'm in form I'm horrible, but nevermind haha. Gerrard is so irritating. 'PE was... so slack.' Like, okay whatever fiiiiiine strong lah -.-
I MISS MY KOR VERY VERY MUCH ): omg lah. When he comes back from tekkong he'll only be back for one night?? Wth. Steal my kor from me ): <
Sunday, January 21, 2007
3:41 PM
Just came back from 3C class gathering.
Ahhhhh how'm I supposed to like. Let go of my class??
I'm depresseddddd again. Shouldn't have gone to 3C gathering ):
But anyway we had loads of fun.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
5:51 PM
Haha my best friend since p5? Haha okay I use best friend loosely since we havent exactly talked much since errrr. Sec school.
But well! Friendships do last when you want them to.
5:56 AM
I think its virtually impossible for me to go back to my old class already. The vp said unless someone from my old class disappears, or die or something, else there's no space for me. ): Oh well I resign to my fate. Haha. Anyway I have gerrard from my OG in my class and he's extremely lame :D
Yesterday was mt house party. It was so crap. The band saw losers came to perform, but the sound system was horrible and too loud. Me wenting kialiang started having headaches, so we went out to the toilet. And met alvin whose face cannot get any worse :D Errr wenting and me had a tour of the boys toilet. It's so dirty and gross. hahaha.
Then we sat outside in the parade square listening to best I ever had and talking crap, until we were called back into the hall because the band left and everyone was playing... pass the parcel. O.o
The OG actually wanted to go supper, but many people couldn't make it and there wasn't anyplace available so late at night, so we went home instead.
Rarr damn tired. And since this is my first saturday free of OG outings I shall take time to go do my hw, which keeps piling up.
I miss my kor alot alot. Where is he I've so much I need to tell him ):
Thursday, January 18, 2007
2:55 PM
What the F*CK.
Shit lah. Can everyone stop making me feel guilty/depressed/sad/confused WHATEVER.
I want to go back to rg. Like, now.
12:41 PM
Yarrrh the class thingy news will be tomorrow. Like, yeah again. I think the general office people and the vice principal quite sick of me already, I go to the GO like twice a day. Desperate, lah. heh.
But the vp is very nice.
And ahh my hopes are now super low. ):
Okayy actually my new class is quite a nice class, they try to include everyone lah. Except I don't really fit in very well, so I go all antisocial and stuff. Like I only talk when they talk to me. And one of the guys thought I was errr gep 'cos according to him it's because I'm super quiet o.O
And today I ate lunch with 3C instead of 3R, and I felt quite bad haha. Like abandon my new class for my old class.
After school I pangseh-ed my OG for mel! Haha heartbreak, lah :D but anyway was itching to talk to mel for a long time already. Made her go with me to sit with my OG for a while first, though :D
We went to J8 and bummed around the place talking. Ahhh J8 is so super crammed and tiny and ahhh I miss orchard even more.
But yeahh it was nice having some familiar friend you can pour everything out to!
And stupid mel got this weird urge to play those toy vending machine thingies, and she even made me play with her. We got the same nightmare before christmas pumpkin torch thing! Haha damn gay lah. But cute.
My appetite still isn't back! Xianying and mel both say I look visibly thinner ): But at least I eat a little more than I did last week.
My OG has gone obsessive over Best I Ever Had. But yeah it's a very nice song except it always makes me feel a little emo!
Okayy shall go mug. I have decided to turn over a very new leaf, and become a mugger! Yay. Haha I think my determination will waver in a few weeks, though.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
2:39 PM
I miss my kor.
11:54 AM
Still no news about my class. They keep telling me I'll know by this-and-this time, but it keeps getting pushed back.
Okay I think there's something wrong with me.
I am so tired of
all this.
Of everything and everyone, even the things and people I like. JC life is so. Ahh dunno.
Rar I think I need to hide in a little corner by myself for a while.
Monday, January 15, 2007
2:37 PM
I am a flower quickly fading,
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean,
A vapour in the wind.
Still you hear me when I'm calling,
Lord you catch me when I'm falling
And you've told me who I am;
I am
Love this song. Who Am I. Casting crowns is so good! (:
Blah I feel restless. Can't stop moving about.
11:33 AM
My days at rj so far seem rather eventful, heh.
Still not sure if my request to transfer back to S03C's approved yet, or not. But 3C is seriously great. Practically the whole class signed that petition form! Haha and we're getting the ct to sign too. Someone's transferring out of the class, so there's this empty slot and the class hopes they can get the petition ready before the space gets filled by someone else.
Haha. The class is so much more confident than me about me getting back in, lah. (:
Today we had pe and omg I found out I lost 3.5kg from these 2 weeks of appetite loss. It was quite shocking but yeah I miss being in the 40s-range instead of the 50s-range hahaha.
And this week's when we really start lesson proper. My current class is. Okay I guess. I'm rather out of things, because I usually hang around mel, but now mel's transferred out of the class. The other girls get together pretty fine, so I just stone by them not knowing what to say, smile when they ask me something, and basically try to stick to gerrard as often as possible without looking like an item.
Haha after lessons went to the library to MUG WITH THE OG. Omg we're super mugger lah :D Hahaha the J2s were like, ??? OMG WHAT DO YOU ALL HAVE TO MUG. But actually I think the OG spent more time crapping and making dumbass jokes than mugging.
Waited for jingyu our ogl to be free from lessons, then took a lift from her home (:
Oh oh happy birthday my bf! Hahahaha. 17 is like, so man!
And thanks chet and mel for your hugs they were especially therapeutic!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
1:48 PM
I need hugs! Huggy huggy hugs.
I shall find melzhu tmr and get that hug she promised me.
12:47 PM
Jieyang stayed up with me and really wrote a petition letter for me last night in case my request to transfer back to 3C fails.
And 3C misses me and I miss 3C and they all welcome me sitting with them during tutorials.
I'm scared of monday, because I think despite all the effort I won't be able to get back with 3C.
But anyway thanks everyone. Like even though I only know you all for. A few days. Everyone's seriously grown on me, the class spirit, the jokers. ><
Lord thank you for Your blessing.
11:30 AM
Was really cool. Omg this is like my first time crashing someone's house to surprise them :D
Basically it's melvyn's birthday tomorrow! Haha. So we plotted with his family to surprise him today by coming over. We bought him a piece of cake and a cool nike bag!
Went for my music lesson in the morning, then went straight the the mrt station to wait for the others. I was like an hour early, lah. Started mugging bio/econs in the mrt station, so loser lah. Er when the others came we tried to find our way to his house. Super pro please, no one knew where he lived so we just agar-ed our way there :D If I'd been the guide we'd probably still be lost now haha. His sister sneaked us into the house, then we took the slice of cake and surprised him while he was mugging math/ playing his guitar.
Okay lah my bf looks very man when he plays the guitar. HAHA.
After we surprised him it was super anticlimax we just sat and stoned because we had too many people. Then after a while we gave up trying to do something and went off :S
Then a few of us went back to j8 and ate a little, then went home. So sad right haha.
That's all I did today.
Ahh I miss rg alot. I mean yeah the guys are really nice, but i just kind of miss the only-girls environment and culture. ):
And ahh I must stop cursing. I keep using 'damn' automatically nowadays, irritates the hell out of me.
I need to get out into the pouring rain and
wake up.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
6:04 PM
AHHHHHHHHH something's wrong with me recently I'm like damn moodswing-ish.
2:07 PM
Omg suddenly smiling to myself in public because I remember some dumb OG jokes is sooo not good for my image.
My mum thinks I'm going crazy
11:18 AM
Oh I forgot to mention. My kor just enlisted todayyyy ahh I'm very sad.
Lord protect him!
10:40 AM
It's so ironic how every one of my whiny wishes start coming true, one by one. ):
I once wished I'd stop bingeing, and now I've completely lost my appetite. I actually once thought it was good luck that my OG wouldn't be my class. Then I got a nice cool class with a nice cool teacher, and hated it. And now I got transferred out of my nice class into another one!! ):
Haha. Okay whatever shall stop making myself even more depressed.
Aaaanyway I have a really really sweet OG. I love my OG! <3 They were so nice to me yesterday when I was sad.
Yesterday I found out I got kicked out of S03C, into S03R. Everyone was so shocked, lah. I went to request to change back into S03C, but not sure if it's possible ): The class wants to petition for me if the school refuse my request, haha. So sweet right. I don't think it'll really work, but. Aaaaahh.
Had lunch with the OG, and stoned with a few people (the rest went for CCA audits/home) until about 6.
Omg the OG is seriously lame lah. Gerrard was especially high! He's usually like very calm and stoned, but yesterday he started making really unfunny jokes :D Haha and the guys were teasing amazing grace, the cutest girl in the school. We played uno stacko too! Uncle kia was the loser for all 3 times, super funny lah. And melvyn was being really stupid, he and his 'I'm so man' jokes lol.
After games we had a man-to-man talk. So man, lah.
Then like half the OG went out for dinner at moss.
After dinner we went up to the open area to stone and gay together. The guys are sooooo gay (Okay I said that many times ). Especially jianhui and melvyn together like WOMG. :D But okay lah that's why our OG is so bonded heh. We're like sisters, man!
Yeeaaah one of my bf's birthday's on monday and we've got a biiiiig surprise for him! We're like so nice please. Haha.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
12:17 PM
Hahaha today's another super funny day omg I'm seriously going to die laughing if I spend more time with my OG.
Today I got two boyfriends. Damn funny la we were gaying around and saying stupid mushy stuff to each other.
m: It's so hot here! Must be you lah *wink*
me: actually ty's my boyfriend already.
m: what??? you just broke my heart!
ty: I send her messages!
me: yeahh I keep them.
m: what really?? don't bluff me!!
(shows him a msg ty sent about Onite skit. remember I was the sheep)
me: LOOK. He called me lamb!
(xianying comes around and les with me) xy: she's
m: jiening how can you do this to me! you just broke my heart again!
ty: you're the only girl in my life.me: er actually I have many boyfriends and husbands... but don't worry you're the only
guy in my life.
me: I like the strong silent type.
m: okay.
me: AHEM. I like the strong silent type.
m: oh uh. yeah! *flexes nonexistent muscles*
m (who's only slightly taller than me): look at how tall I am! *tiptoes*
me: omg so cool. Just the ideal height for me!
m: yeah lean on my shoulder, man.
m: eh when we walk through ri we pair up okay. when the ri guys see that we have girls they'll be daaamn jealous la
m: omg yy (some girl he likes) waved to me! I'm so happy. she waved to me! she's like so cute. soooo cute!
me: errr I think she was waving to me.
m: NO. DON'T BLUFF ME. my heart is breaking!
yvonne: yy doesn't like you lah.
m: ...my heart just melted. wah lao. stop hurting me la. my heart melted like so many times today already.
Hahaha daaaamn funny lah! My OG guys are like totally gay! :D
Yeah other than gaying around we also gossiped about who's cute (other than grace the cutest girl in the school) and played 'please can you follow me' in the dumbest fashion. Basically the game is like concentration, the clapping hands thing but the person who starts says, 'please can you follow me' and someone's name plus a number from 1-8. So the person who gets called has to say his/her own name that number of times while clapping.
To make it funner our OG added that if you want to be stupid and call ' jiening 10' (10 abit the not from 1-8) then jiening has to say 'shit you! jiening jiening jiening jiening jiening jiening'. Like, LOL. -.-
Haha yesss. I am going to miss my OG if we stop seeing each other, lah. ):
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
10:11 AM
Today was another fun day.
Met OG at the lodge again in the morning. We played abit of indian poker. Then I got called for interclass games at the basketball courts.
The captain's ball games were damn lame lah. Because our class is like, mainly guys, we kept owning the other team (at first). The guys are also super enthu, they kept cheering. Oh and they sabo-ed our civics tutor into being the captain :D Okay la so my class is also quite cool.
And I found out that there're even more taonanites in my class.
[edit] ARGH stupid post screwed up. Now must retype everything. -.- [/edit]
After math lecture met up with my OG for lunch. While waiting for everyone to come we played 'please can you follow me' and talked crap. Melvyn and jianhui started fighting over grace's friend who came over to crash our OG. Damn funny lah. Grace's friend was super embarrassed, especially when our whole OG went to stalk her :D
Lunch. Didn't have appetite again ): the OG was making super lame jokes.
a: eh you on a diet ah?
b: no she's on a bench.
a: are you anorexic?
b: no she's jiening.
me (about OG outing on friday): I'm free on friday!
b: so how much do you cost today?
a (to alvin our OGL): you know what's the best thing about your face?
alvin: what?
a: it can't get any worse.
a: so who's the cutest girl in your school?
grace: ME! *act cute pose*
grace: eh I want to go toilet who want to go toilet with me!
guys: eh gerrard you go lah! The cutest girl in the school leh!
a: Let's all stare at grace. She's like the cutest girl in the school!
us: *stare*
a: Let's all stare at alvin!
b: yeah his face cannot get any worse.
Afterwards me wenting yvonne and melvyn went around together for cca fest. Then me yvonne lucas and jianhui went back home together.
Then went out with my brothers for sushi buffet, because my kor's enlisting in like, 3 days!! ):
My younger brother's gone abit mad. He kept doing stupid stuff and saying stupid stuff to embarrass us. The waitress was super pissed please. oh and he made this:

Okayyy I've got to do my math homework. My class didn't want to go for math on friday, so we decided to go tomorrow instead so friday can end early. blah.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
11:58 AM
Onite was super sad. ): Like, last day of orientation. No more slacking! No more games with OG!
Anyway so yesterday. Yearmates celebrated pea's birthday in the morning! Pea is now so old, even though she's the shortest ^^ we got fruit cake for her, but no one wanted it because fruitcake in the morning sounded very O.o
In the morning we had civics lesson with our class again. The only consolation I have about my class is that 1) I MANAGED TO PERSUADE CHAR TO STAY at least till march! 2) the guys are wacko 3) the girls are talk-able to.
House war games! Haha was very tired because I slept at 3am the day before so I didn't really participate very actively. First we had some throw the newspaper and raise the flag game. Then was chinese chess with us as the chess pieces, followed by some. Weird supposed pacman game that didn't really seem pacman-ish to me.
At the end of war games we got to truss our OGLs up and draw on their faces :D
We had more dancing I think. Super funny, we had to learn a new dance, and emily wanted to partner me instead of her partner, so my partner had to partner her partner aaaand my partner was the girl! HAHA. Because he was shorter, and he was a powerpuff girl. Damn gay, please!
Um then blah blah and we had our 4 hour break. As usual we took very long to finish our food. And we started playing bridge in public. So we didn't have alot of time to decorate our shirts. On the way back grace and I turned abit crazy so we started adding 'man' to the end of every of our sentences, and we terrorised alvin our OGL until he started adding 'man' to his sentences too :D
Decorating our shirts. It was so funny la. Okay my group has totally no artistic talent (and had no time). Our shirts turned out damn gay la. And because gerrard and I were chosen to model our shirts, and we were late, we had to put the shirt on while the disgusting soya sauce-like paint was still wet. It was so disgusting! But yeah we had alot of fun painting them. Especially at the end when we ran out of time, then the OG started doing stupid stuff like dipping the shirt in the paint to save time.
Onitee. Our OG got chosen to perform! :D We totally screwed up. But nevermind we had alot of fun preparing and laughing at the powerpuff girls and spongebob squarepants. Wah lao spongebob was damn gay also, la. He wore spongebob boxers and yellow stuff, haha.
When Onite ended at about 10 we went out for supper! But by the time we reached J8 whatever restaurant that was still open was already packed full with stinky OGs. So we went to check out dome, at bishan cc. They were actually closed, but the really nice people opened the restaurant for us! So we sat there and ate and played asshole daidee.
YOU KNOW MY OG IS SO COOL. like 10 people live in the east! Near meee. Usually I'd have a hard time finding people going home with me because my friends (except becca who lives opposite me :D) all live in the west. But 10 people! Haha. So anyway because we only finished eating at 11plus, kialiang's dad agreed to fetch 4 of us home! So nice, la.
Reached home at 12. Was very exhausted, but had to bathe and wash off the red hair dye. And because of wet hair I could only sleep at 1plus ):
We met at the lodge as usual. Got our RJ badges. Because those taking PCME had no lessons and BCME lessons started at 1040, we played games for 3 hours! Super funny, lah.
At the end hour we decided to play indian poker, and whoever got the lowest card had to do a forfeit, which all invovled some stranger of the opposite sex. Lucas had to go up to some random girl and hold her hand. Grace the loser who lost twice had to hug a random guy, then tell another that his butt was so damn hot. Yvonne had to stare into a guy's eyes and bat her eyelids, flick her hair then cosy up to him. Gerrard had to go up to a bunch of girls and flex his formidable biceps. mel darling got pulled into one of the dares because she came to talk to me! Jianhui just knelt down in front of her and started reciting pickup lines. Like, 'are you very tired? You've been running through my mind!' and 'I can't feel my heart beating! You've stolen it!' hahaha mel was like, 'huh?!'. And kwokleung had to run up to some people and whine, 'I want my barbie doll!'.
My OG's pet phrase: damn gay! The guys are all like, so gay! :D like jianhui the closet gay, who was with melvyn in the same toilet cubicle dunno doing what, then touching kwokleung for no reason. And teeyong who likes to shriek when he's excited (like when we play heart attack). And kialiang who went shopping by himself today and eats as slowly as mel darling. Haha yeah the guys in my group very easy to bully (:
Later on we went to the lt together for lecture. Actually arranged beforehand to sit with my yearmates, but we had to sit according to class! ): it wasn't bad la. Talked to my many pschool exclassmates. And during econs lecture:
teacher (explaining about experience): the first time you take a test, you fail. The second time you take a test, you fail again, but you learn to change strategy, right? The third time you take a test, you fail again, but now you know something more, right?
classmate: yeah, you suck.
After our combined lectures the OGmates living in the east met up, ate lunch together then went home.
And I feel bad! I accidentally abandoned becca ):
Sunday, January 07, 2007
1:34 PM
Anywayyy today we went to settlers in clarke quay, some board games playing place. Then we... sit down and play board games. :D Quite fun la, got alot of stupid games. My group of six was trying to find no-brainer games because I think we were like super stoned. We played jungle speed! It's damn funny (okay I know I said funny many times) cos everyone's like super blur, snatching the thingy like nobody's business.
Then we played asshole daidee as well. So lame la -.-
Oh and our MT house capt shawn also came! Haha we're so popular please. And he's so funny too like us.
And I told even more jokes. Which were not funny
fiiiine. Damn I think everyone's going to talk about me being super sick or something, during comments ): So not original please.
And I think that's all that's important. I think I'll miss my OG after orientation ends! Lame crap people. Haha it seems like everyone I know are lame crap people! My pschool best friends my sec school friends class yearmates my RJ OG all lame crap people! Birds of a feather flock together. And errr great minds think alike. :D And I think there's something wrong with me today BYE.
And happy birthday to pea! Happy birthday to pea! Happy birthday to peee-aa! Happy birthday to pea!
Saturday, January 06, 2007
1:18 PM
Damn. I have organ lesson tomorrow and I haven't done my theory homework argh I hate theory. My theory is so horrible, I don't even know why I agreed to take it. Aiyah I shall forget it and go there without doing it :D
Changed my template, since the links icons were screwed. And YAY my tagboard finally went back to normal.
So day3. Um first thing in the morning we were told our classes. OMG SO SCREWED. ): My class only has like, 6 girls?? AND I only sort of know one, and she was on the verge of changing her combi because our class was so screwed, but luckily I managed to persuade her to stay on until march at least. Else myGOD I don't know how I'd survive ): What's worse is that a huge number of boys were my pschool exclassmates. Like, what the hell, class gathering -.- I don't think I've even said more than a word to them before, so it's extremely awkward and AHH. And my civics tutor started off the class with a black face and some lecture ): But my kor said he's actually a nice guy, so.
Then we danced again... and we screwed up again. :D
Yesterday was external activities, some food chain thing. Our group was assigned little india. On the way there and back we were telling jokes. Then jiayun wanted to hear sick jokes so I told her some jokes (from my dearest sicko yearmates) and the guys started telling sick jokes as well then somehow I got dragged into telling sick jokes to them and we were like on the mrt >< but lol I never thought that nobody wouldn't have known the jokes I told, I thought they were quite commonly known ones! But then again they didn't have my yearmates.
Haha I think we were one of the last ones from our region back. But nevermind we had loads of fun.
Later on we had auditions for O night! Our lame nursery rhyme musical. Made many changes, all the ppgirls were acted by the guys :D we added rap parts and stuff too! It's really really really ludicrously lame. And my part like gee I'm supposed to skip around the stage going 'MAAA' it's so maluating ahh. When we had our auditions the OGLs were laughing their heads off and one couldn't stop laughing from the start to the end, he was like falling off his chair! Our OGL said we should get in, so we're hoping (:
After audits we went out for dinner again, at j8 foodcourt! Then I took bus home with em.
That's all!
Yay I'm eating again. I think it's the food that's been putting me off, I only feel hungry when my mum cooks ^^ been going out with OG for dinner every day, maybe that's why.
And yay I'm feeling less stoned after my afternoon nap my lovely afternoon nap I missed you.
4:19 AM
RAR. I'm still very tired ): Woke up 193790275 times in the night.
Shall continue then.
Ohyeah I forgot to mention my OG's name it's l'asone! It's actually as one but its pronounced lei-zawn cos we're too cool. There're 20 of us 10-10 each. 2 OGLs at first but now 3, all as cool as us.
Where was I. Oh second day. Shit I can't remember. Eh we learnt our batch dance. Had to partner a guy each, so malu please.
And most of the guys in our group are shorter than me and em HAHA Me and my partner totally cannot remember the steps and dance so we just anyhow anyhow dance :D
Argh I can't remember. I THINK we had more games. Station games. Ehhh as usual we lost alot, heh heh. For all the games we had to partner guys, and it's especially embarrassing for games like the 'pass the rubber band with toothpicks/short spaghetti strands' -.- But by day two we were a little over the guy/girl segregation thing, la.
Haha the most fun game was this 'blindfolded person feed the blindfolded person with chocolate-dipped marshmallow' game where someone gives instructions to the blind feeder to guide him/her to the eater. It's damn gross, the chocolate dipping dripped all over the place and the OGLs kept smearing chocolate over the eater. Then we had a little chocolate smearing war, then the girls had a little water fight, during which me and jiayun called a truce and poured our water over benedict our OGL instead :D
Oh and I got my new fanclub. It has 2 members in it, currently. Miss wenting the chairperson and miss yvonne the secretary-treasurer. Apparently their duties are to stalk me, take many photos of me and sell on ebay, and make funny eyes at me and blush when I look at them. Hahaha so dumb right! :D Go fanclub I'm
so proud of you.
We went out again after orientation! Sat at moss and made alot of noise (most of us came, so obviously). That evon started craving bridge so we started playing bridge. lol. Discussed our OG item for O night. Haha it's really damn stupid, please. We're singing warped nursery rhymes and acting out stupid stuff. Then we drew lots for the acting parts AND I GOT MARY FROM MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB ): In our story mary was a pregnant mother sheep, then she had a little lamb. We have baa baa black sheep, humpty dumpty, spongebob and the powerpuff girls as well. Haha 2 girls drew ppgirls and one guy (my dance partner jianhui) got it too!! Okay ppgirls is alot worse than mary so I'm not complaining.
Got chased out from moss cos we were making alot of noise and taking up alot of space without ordering anything substantial at all, so we walked about abit then went off.
Okayyyyyyyy shall continue later.
Friday, January 05, 2007
3:25 PM
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooo it's finally friday!
OMG I'M SO BLOODY TIRED LA. My muscles are all screaming, my eyes are like closing and I'm feeling really baddd. But I'm waiting for my hair to dry wah lao I slept with wet hair last night and had a HORRIBLE hair day today -.-
The verdict on my OG: OKAYYYy so it wasn't horrible like I thought it would be. We're a really cool group okay! Um basically the guys are wacko and the girls are wacko so we just wacko together. And my OG's super enthu. Even thought we lose alot ^^ But uh that isn't the point. The point is that we're super enthu! Right.
First day. Uh I didn't really talk much to anyone except emily my one and only exclassmate, damn sad la. I'm super antisocial ): I can't really remember what we did, can't think properly sorry too tired. Eh I think it was interhouse games? MOOR TARBET! :D Moor tarbet is SUPER SUPER COOL. Like tarbet was so dead in rg -.- but MT TOTALLY ROCKED THE HOUSE DOWN EVERYTIME WE CHEERED! And we have really cool cheers and signals and stuff and every other house looked so dead when compared to us (: (: And we won second for IHG :D
IHG was just war games, like we have territories and stuff and we're supposed to win games to win a territory. At the start my OG kept losing and losing (so depressing). Until we came to the indoor (airconditioned) games hall then we started OWNING everyone! Haha. Er its some running-holding-the-raffiastring and scissors paper stone game. It's quite a painful game, like practically everyone got ropeburns.
Evening we went out for dinner at the foodcourt. Then we went out and sat in circles around the bubbletea shop, together with alot of other OGs, and made alot of noise. Haha next day kena complains ><
EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm really drained and stoned and dead now so I'll continue it some other day.
These few days my appetite has been totally horrible. I didn't eat at all for the first two days of orientation, then today only ate lunch ): And I'm stil not hungry. I think I'm depressed ): AHHHHHHH. I'm like skin and bones already. And I just noticed my ribcage can be seen from all sides, it's quite gross.
Okay I shall think of something I can stomach and try to eat.
Continued tomorrow!
Monday, January 01, 2007
5:20 PM
YAY just finished my really really thick classic novel (just because I have to return it soon :D) and it's so heartwrenching ): somehow these days the novels I choose always seem to have gay themes in it -.- but oh good classics are all so marvellous! Except when they're written by luosuo people like dickens.
So tonight/morning's the last time me and my bros can stay up super late. SO SAD o.o School's tomorrow!! Aiee, I'm still really unprepared for JC.
For school I've gotten:
1. A new bag! Hehh I like it its a green slingbag
2. A new haircut. THE HAIRDRESSER CUT IT TOO SHORT, AND SHE DIDN'T DO IT THE WAY I WANTED IT TO BE. ): coincidentally it looks somewhat like a straighter version of mel's new haircut (my hair's super straight and hers is wavy), and I'm even sadder because we can't seem to escape each other. On a brighter note my bro says er I look a little elfin. Aaaand I think I look cute so there. HMPF.
3. New shoes! Red and grey and white adidases I wish they weren't so white though! But nevermind they're still nice.
4. New handphone. It's red too, I think the christmas red-and-green spirit's gone into me too much
Darn I just remembered I need a new pencilbox as well. Shall hope my mum doesn't faint when I tell her, she's already spent so much on me this hols :D
And of course I need a new mood but ah that'll take a few more weeks, this transition from heaven to hell'll give me horrible jetlag.
AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE I can't stand the anticipation already!! My nerves have officially gone bonkers. Can't concentrate! Can't stop shaking my leg! Can't stop pacing! ):
My kor's going to the army in 13 days. Will miss him very so muchly, but he'll need the torture. He's getting flabby! Just a few days ago he was trying to show off his er pecs to my younger brother, and LOL HE ONLY HAS
ONE PEC. It's super funny la, it's this lone pec on the right side of his tummy. He was insisting that he had at least 2 pecs, but me and my brother called his bluff, the so-called second pec was like his rib bone or something. :D
Aaaaanyway I shall go do something more useful. Like finishing all my library books before I have to return them tomorrow, GRAH I
hate unfinished books. But I spent too long on my really really thick novel ):