Monday, December 31, 2007
2:58 PM
In a bloody bad mood now.
Today was a horrible horrible day.
Decor work sucked.
Was supposed to end at 2pm but ended at 7pm. Tired.
Was freaking annoyed at the end cos I really wanted to go home but there was still that stupid sphinx to do that we wanted to scrape but were afraid to tell nicky in case he rushed back from pasir ris just to make sure it was done. So we came up with really stupid ideas and turned it into this photo taking booth instead. Freaking ugly, but super funny too. Check it out man.
Today's house d meeting was daaaaamn funny! We learnt out house dance. Haha ashvin added really retardedly cute/ funny moves! :D And zhiwen was entertaining me and grace by practicing his IHC dance thingy ZHIWEN CANNOT DANCE. Grace and I spent a full 10 minutes laughing and laughing our heads off at him. I laughed until my back ached like maddd and I almost hyperventilated. It is SERIOUSLY damn spastic. To the max. Serious. Seriousssss omg!!! Hahahaha I love my housed it is spastic.
Anyway today kind of marks the end of decor saigang. I'm quite very sad actually. Totally going to miss everyone. My darling art directors ian ben shuhan and especially jonnie since I wont be seeing him much anymore ): And zhizhi nicky who're always always there! And ppl like justin junliang youkai yujun anna shuhan who also try to come down when they're free. Am very touched at the dedication everyone have for doing everything right (even though we slacked off alot at the end). Will miss all the fun and laughter and craziness and retardedness. Like me and jon imitated nicky's and zhizhi's retarded waterpolo talk. Hahahaha the 'I-i-i-i-i am stupid' thing. 'I-i-i-i-i am in polo' hahaha. And singing songs and irritating people. Pimping around with everyone. Nicky's retarded jokes. Ian's dirty talk. All our late nights and chicken rice lunches. Oh my God I will never eat s11 chicken rice for a long long time.
Yep. So I'll miss Oprep alot! Even though I'm really hating the saigang now. Will miss hanging out with everyone. Probably won't get to anymore, back to our own lives like before~
Happy new year, hopefully (:
Am stressed out cos there's so much I haven't done. Supposed to meet philip tmr to do og presents at zhiwen's house but zhiwen isn't replying and I'm really afraid shops won't be open tomorrow then we GGXX and I'm going to cry now.
I need to be stronger so I can survive next year. Orientation, house party, SATs, council elections, council camp. All back to back with only a few days of rest in between. If I continue like this I'm going to have a breakdown by end of january. Jesus.
This is real, this is goodIt warms the inside, like it shouldBut most of all, most of allIt's built to last.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
1:15 PM
The Lord has promised good to me,
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be,
as long as life endures.
The earth will soon dissolve like snow,
The sun forbear to shine.
But God who called me here below,
Will be forever mine.Today's house d meeting was seriously screwed up. We were all on different wave lengths and whenever someone says something everyone'll just go '...HUH?'. Especially zhiwen who was like in a world of his own probably thinking too much of gen haha. There was this time we were arguing about the shape of our pinata for the house party, then zhiwen said 'Let's make a snowman! It's 2 balls!' and he was demonstrating in front of him with his hands. Then me grace ashvin thought we heard joseph say 'Let's make a big ball and pretend its James and the Giant Bitch!' seriously wth
2 more days! Ahhhhhh
Saturday, December 29, 2007
3:40 PM
Today was a freaking shit day.
Decor do until damn sian. Then I was very tired so I slept in the hall. Which was under construction and there were loads of splinters on the floor. Which are all stuck on me even now. Freak. They hurt like mad I have like millions of them. I can't even touch anything without feeling pain. And they're all over me, my face hands legs everywhere wth.
At night went out with the decor people to eat dinner. Grace and nicky started calling their OG people. Omg DAMN SCREWED UP. Hahahaha their OG people all thought it was prank calls omg all nicky's fault. He's daaaaamn funny! And he was screwing up my OG calling also. Kept winking at me and giving me his megawatt smile and I kept bursting into laughter while talking to my OGlings I think they think I'm like mad.
Grace (on the phone): you're vegetarian but can eat fish, eggs and dairy products?
Nicky (shouts): eh! Fish are animals too you know!
Nicky: Hi I'm Nicky ong, your ogl for next year. Your other ogl is grace, she's ugly.
LOL we were all stunned until nicky said 'haha just joking I din call'
Council elections coming up! Omg damn excitinggg :D Just alot of stuff to do. Argh.
Friday, December 28, 2007
4:09 PM
Omg I'm calling up my og people now. So scary! Haha. So exciting. :D Omg.
And I totally regret signing up for sats this jan, I have totally no time to study. So I'm going to do badly again and okay whatever I'm staying in Singapore ): My mum doesn't want me to go overseas anyway.
Chionging bio now whoohoo. Just that after calling up my og people I can't think already so I'm just skipping alot of questions and hopefully I can refer to joseph's like when school reopens haha :D I hate people who've done their homeworks! ): < spoil market.
When all around is falling outWhen I forget what I'm aboutSometimes the best that I can doIs to desire to desire You;
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
2:42 PM
Today is the day the world rejoices! :D
Haha anw had a great day today. Went to cousin's house, had a really sumptuous meal. Then went out with my mum and kor to orchard to shop. Going out to shop tmr too :D
Last day of freedom before hell starts
I havent done homework at all shit
Saturday, December 22, 2007
2:27 PM
Ahhhh omg only 2 more weeks to the end of hols. This is scaring me.
I am totally not prepared for next year.
I don't want to take my As and move on the world is so big and scary out there.
And Oprep is coming to an end. Mandy just reminded me today ): I'll totally miss saiganging for decor, especially with a few people like shuhan yujia jon ian nicky zhizhi hanson ben anna junliang who're almost always there all the time with me, saiganging together, suanning me/shuhan, having lunches and dinners and doing the most screwed up stuffs (like making up new games! or playing dress up!) together.
And I'm abit nervous about getting an og next year. Like so scary omg. Shixiong was sharing with us his depressing og experience and I got scared. What if my og's like that too. Then I'll be really really sad ): Haha. Nvm got philip to bully. Oh and I'll be sad on Onite cos my co won't be dancing with me! He'll be off showing hot bod. I won't have dance partner how sad is that.
Okay. Nvm. >< guess I'll just have to trust God to slowly show me the path He wants me to walk down. Just hope I don't read the directions wrongly and turn down the wrong fork.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
3:52 PM
Haha after wracking our brains together (and with the help of gerrard and ashvin who provided the most diaooo names) philip and I finally got a brilliantly spastic name! :D
I still like T'ITITITI doors closing and T_T omg so kewlz but ah well too spastic.
A story pastor glyn shared:
A scientist once went up to God and said, 'God, we can do everything thing You can, and better. We've cured illnesses and diseases, artificially created so many wonderful compounds, machines and can even clone Your creations! What is there that we cannot achieve?' And God replied, 'You cloned your sheep using a sheep I created. If you are so great, create your own human being using what I had to work with-- dirt and dust.' So the scientist agreed, believing he was able to do that as well. But as he bent down to pick up a handful of dirt, God barked, 'Oi! get your
own dust!'
Hahaha tio owned.
Last day of dry run tmr. Christmas coming. Haven't done my homework shitt shit shit was supposed to start today but I slept through it instead ):
I need to be less lazy! New year resolution.
12:09 PM
Shit I did damn badly for my SATs looks like I have to really study. Haha my mummy isn't happy. And neither am I cos I really din want to sit through the torture again. ):
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
5:27 PM
Woots back from church camp!
And like every camp you dread before it happens, it was quite the bomb! Oh man I loved the service sessions. The pastors glyn and and chrislong were freaking good. Pastor glyn spoke daaaaamn well he was so inspiring and pastor chrislong kept all of us laughing and awake even though we hadn't slept much through the camp. And I loved praise and worship! PRAISE HIM! Jump, jump! Say PRAISE HIM! Jump, jump! Somebody get your praiiise on! Haha yeah pastor glyn made us realise that praising God isn't about being solemn or shy while singing songs, it was going overboard with enthusiasm to show God His worth! So we jumped and shouted like mad and my calves hurt and I lost my voice one night. But it was so good to finally be able to show how much we loved God.
Oh and church camp games are totally not like school camp games. You can seriously do everything under the sun to tekan your campers in church camp. It was grosss haha but fun! Like flying-foxing into an inflatable pool of tomatoes and water.
Yup. And our camp tshirt is nice. Yeahh I like being audac!ous hahaha.
After 5 days of camp was immediately orientation dry run 2. Sianz. Haha my og is mt8! Almost mt9 so sad ): Philip and I still haven't decided on a name yet. Argh someone give us more stupid ideas! Haha we've got quite some stupid suggestions for people alr :D
Yay I wanna sleep damn tired and I need to stop saying damn. I went to camp and NO ONE SAID A SINGLE BAD WORD AT ALL (except shit I don't think that really counts right) and luckily I noticed that and I felt so bad so I didn't too! So surprising right there were many many ahbengs and lians and all those but I din hear a single bad word. So um I better stop too (:
My God is an awesome God
He reigns from heaven above
With wisdom power and love
My God is an awesome God!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
1:32 PM
hut your eyes, I'll spin the big chairHaha it's quite a gay experience especially when you have 5 guys taking turns to spin you. Try it. Then puke on one of them!
I dunch wans 2 go camp tmr. ): Ahhhhhh sian. Ahhh. Come back still need to saigang sian x100.
10 more days to christmas. One more week to my SAT results. I don't want. Omg. Omg. Omg!
For now I am FREE run away and don't come back
12:13 PM
Yay went out with mel like after not seeing her for 3 mths? So many things have happened that she hadn't told me about! ): mel we must go out more often k (:
Decor yesterday. Chat with ali while waiting for my meeting with walter and his meeting with alwyn! Haha nice chat.
Decor today. Sian. And I am so getting sick of being bullied. Like everything's my fault nowadays. Someone spill paint my fault. The design turn out ugly my fault. The cotton wool disgusting my fault. Like okay lor fine. I protest until sian already. And nicky keeps calling me a pimp and to stop pimping him and like wth I don't have such bad taste. I want to pimp also pimp better guys than one who can't keep the f word out of every single sentence that comes out of his mouth
But I think I was just in a bad mood so nvm haha at least I was entertained especially by his stupid antics.
Ate dinner out with mummm haha haven't seen her for AGES and omgz she is damn black now! MUM YOU'RE DAMN BLACK.
Church camp tmr. Signed up kind of on last minute impulse and now I'm kind of regretting. Cos it was 100 bucks and I can't make it for the last day some more. And there's alot of storyline decor to finish. But both me and yen can't make it down to finish it now >< argh. Okay nvm hopefully it'll be good. Like make me more spiritual or something haha.
So off to camp till the 17th see you.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
7:55 AM
Shit I get daaaamn weird dreams nowadays omg! I think it's cos I'm actually getting enough sleep for once in a few thousand months so there's like this backlog of weird dreams waiting to surprise me.
Anyway I was having a nap today (woops) and i dreamt that nicky was teaching grace how to play qing tian on the piano OMG. It was a damn screwed up dream. Then I woke up and found out that my brother was playing qing tian on the piano :\
Hahaha was supposed to study today right! I'm like less than halfway through my first set of bio notes :\
Monday, December 10, 2007
4:15 PM
Woah. Putting your name on your nick really makes a difference! Haha people I havent' talked to in like AGES are suddenly randomly asking me how I am recently!
Cool cool.
Yay 2 things down :D
More more more to go
2:19 PM
I was feeling all refreshed after today's nap (the few rare ones I've been able to take these holidays) and then I opened my mail and realised how much work I have to do and it just overwhelmed me and now I just want to cry ):
Zhiwen is flying off to tonight and I just sent him an sms to wish him a safe journey. I really wanted to tell him not to worry abt mt stuff during his hols because we'll be here to do it, but then I lost confidence in my ability to not let him down because I think I've been doing that alot these hols. It's like he's been repeatedly telling me over and over again to do this and that and I've always said 'yah okay' and seldom do I actually get it done ): and he's chided me so many times cos I always seem to put decor work above mt work, and yeah I admit I do that many times because decor work is so much more fun.
The problem with doing mt work is that so, so much is put into the planning of activities, yet no one sees all of that. All they see is the finished product, and more often than not very little people get to see the finished product. We try so hard, but still we're unable to do much. What so horrible is that we can't do much about it. Especially if people don't give us the chance to.
When you do decor work, your planning actually turns into a large-scale thing for ALL to see. Like huge banners and stuff, and everyone who walks past actually stops to look and praise. Then you feel so happy especially when people say stuff like 'omg I looove this' and you just beam inside.
But it's not like I don't like doing mt work, really. I do. The reason why I like doing it is because my fellow hosued-ers are always so onz about doing stuff. Asin okayy maybe many times we complain but when it gets down to doing it we try our best to do our bestest, or at least show that we really tried. Last time I was staying up late to do minutes. And my friend told me to just heck about them and go sleep, because seriously who reads minutes? (answer: ZHIWEN hahahaha) But yeah even if no one read them, I'd still do them up properly because it's not really whether people read it, but really whether I actually put in the effort to do it.
You know, I used to think my housed people had really weird ideas about what was nice. We could look at a finished product and I'd think it wasn't very aesthetically pleasing. Yet they would say that it was very nice and good job. Haha I think it's cos they actually looked behind at the effort it took to make whatever came out (: (or if you wanted to be really anal you could say maybe they just didn't know how to appreciate art la huh.)
Okay. It's time to actually do something and stop procastinating.
I made a difference today! My mum's been telling me to sort out my notes (which I had conveniently dumped beside this com after promos) since the start of the hols. And I promised her to do it today. And I actually did it! Gosh when she comes I'll tell her. She'll think I have a fever or something =)
I am going to spend tomorrow studying! Hopefully!
Okay. I shall try my best to be more onz about everything (:
Um I shall start doing something now. Maybe I'd be able to do enough to assure zhiwen by the time he flies off in 1 or 2h's time.
You want to know how God feels like?
Go take a slow stroll in the rain one day.
Make sure you breathe in deeply, and feel every drop of rain soaking your skin.
I love being in the rain! (:
Saturday, December 08, 2007
1:42 PM
Haha yesterday was fun. Especially the bus trip, when all of us sat at the back and sang songs loudly, and when daniel and yelin started singing to people outside who stared back.
Today a few of us (grace maoting xueqian zhiwen joseph philip juanhe) went to zhiwen's house to prepare for tmr's mt oteamers' party (:
The holidays are ending damn fast and I'm panicking. I'm totally not ready for next year. My brain has turned into mush already ):
Why so emo, people? The world's our oyster! Carpe diem! Haha yeahh whatever.
If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So from my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you!
:D hahaha damn funny song! Everyone go listen to it.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
11:56 AM
Omigosh I am dead tired.
I just had a 2hour nap, but it was a fitful 2hour nap because I was having really stressful dreams. Already starting to forget them, but it was some house d thing. All I can remember now is walking around with grace ally zhiwen joseph because we were supposed to do house d stuff, everyone disappearing except grace who started crying on me because someone called her ugly (this part was really wth), me calling zhiwen up just to have him answer sounding really pissed saying "I haven't slept for 2 days." me apologising like crazy and him putting the phone down on me and omg it was such a screwed up dream.
I think my life is quite sad nowadays. It's like council and orientation and council again, and the only fun I can think of is changing my nick to something asshole stupid-ish.
I want to go shopping! But I'm going to be really, really broke by this weekend thanks to the oteamers party and my ungrateful buddy. Sigh. Life is tough.
Feeling kind of sad now that decor work is more or less done, and us hardcore peeps won't be seeing each other to pour paint on each other and partayy all night anymore. Ah well.
The hols are coming to an end! And I'm losing sight of my future.
Haha this sounds really weird, but I've never been able to imagine myself past the age of 25. Having a permanent job, marrying someone, getting children, getting old, getting grandchildren etc. And I can't imagine myself as one of those old weary women with loose skin and love handles.
Maybe rapture will come soon. Or maybe I'll just die younger, no point in living so long anyway. Heaven's a better place (: All I need to do this lifetime is to secure myself a place there, and I'm done.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
4:48 PM
Oh oh today's joke of the day. Was when zhizhi, our useless slacker cum motivator, came up to me to cheer me on and said "Let's go, jiening!" and I replied "orh where?" :|
JIENINGZ. ¤~~ÊuÜ işh ńĔßёr آeт gÖ *
JJ. ~*\_ Ï ¡Sĥ lußss éuu. 4eva._/*~
3:18 PM
And I will fear no evil
For my God is with me
And if my God is with meWhom then shall I fear?Whom then shall I fear?Oh no, You never let go
Through the calm and through the storm
Oh no, You never let go
In every high and every low
Oh no, You never let you
Lord, you never let go of me.
1:15 PM
Gradnight wasn't as fun as we expected it to be ): In fact I was sianed almost the whole time. The mc really, really, really really really sucked. First he tries to speak with an accent and fails miserably. Then he thinks he's really funny and makes unfunny jokes and laughs at them. Like. "Alright, and the next number sounds like 7-11... it's... 47!" o.o Then he smartly makes a RACIST joke, which caused everyone to shout at him and the indians to be really pissed. To end off his hell of a time, he told the prom king (who was kaiyang) "I'm really not sure how you got to be prom king.. but I guess what they were looking for weren't looks, it was the x-factor!" wtf?
Yay at first mandy and I had fun shopping for buddy presents! :D I got damn nice presents for my buddy but he's super bad to me! Oh and yewei sang for us OMG his voice is sooo sexayyy haha. And his clothes were super nice! But sean said he picked it out for yewei cos yewei's hopeless at clothes. It was so sad that the j2s weren't even listening to him lah his voice was daaamn good.
Later for ushering duty Sean and I stood at the escalator and started rating people haha. Quite fun to see people around. Especially the girls, cannot recognise them one ><
Later was running duty. Which I thought was going to be really fun but ended up being plain annoying and exasperating. The problem was, no one wanted to vote -.- so they always never fill in the votes! Which meant I had to keep chasing them. Halfway through jevon and I just got really pissed and walked away to slack with everyone else at the back of the ballroom/ make fun of kovan and syafiq the chopping people. I was hungry! So I went to ask my buddy for food. He was damn bad to me! Haha he only gave me his fish lah.
Ali was nice to me! I was complaining abt how irritating running duty was, so he tried to cheer me up. He did this (really amateur haha) trick where he made the rose in his pocket appear on my right then he gave the nice nice rose to me :D yay for ali!
Gradnight ended at like 12? Luckily sabbyooi gave me and ben a ride home :D
Today still had to come to school early for decor bleagh. But yay we're allllmost done with everything! We're super fast. Rarr I dunno why EVERYONE likes to make fun of me so much. Very fun meh hmpf. And I do NOT like to paint myself! It's just that lazy lousy people dunno how to mix paint themselves so always ask me to mix it for them so I always get paint on myself. And I
so do not pimp guys alot, especially attached ones OMG? Wah lao my house capt call me to tell me about meeting tmr also counted as I'm pimping him??
Haha we had alot of time leftover today cos we finished early, and it was raining, so we started making up dumb games. We have these 2 really brilliant games, called 'muddy stones' and 'white stones'! The first one is bowling using stones and empty paint cans. The second one is like the funfair hoop game using stones and empty paint cans! Haha it's really very funny. Mingxue took videos of our fun :D
Oh-K meeting tmrrrr. Haha I can foresee some breathing spaces for me coming up though yay
Monday, December 03, 2007
4:13 PM
hahaha today was damn fun!
Even though I got bullied like mad. Wah lao.
It's like the whole world ganged up on me.
There was something super wrong with me today. I just couldn't mix out the right colour of paint for the banners. Then I was the only art person there so I HAD to. So I was sitting there trying my best to find the right shade of paint. But the thing was, the whole world was waiting for me to finish mixing the colour so they couldnt paint. So they just kept shouting and shouting at me to hurry and that it's all my fault ): Then I kept tripping over paints. And stupid zhizhi nicky jon and hanson kept pouring paint on me too!! Omg. I was FULL of paint. Everyone was laughing at me. Nicky suggested I change my name to 'Rainbow'. Quite nice name right. Haha. Junwei reminded me that for every splotch of paint I have on me, I lose one second of my life. Then he very nicely offered to buy me a full-coloured page-long obits in the straits times. Then I was threatening zhizhi with a bottle of red paint and it really accidentally spilled on his head :S woops. He and hanson chased me arnd the whole place with this shit-coloured paint.
Haha today was seriously damn high. It's all shuhan's fault. She go and choose those weird colours for us to mix, then cannot find the colours one! ):
Yay afterwards naing jon justin alwyn me went out for dinner! Which was damn funny. Justin was recalling all the stupid stuff RI guys used to do.
Oh and I reminded cheong fg abt our bet! :D Haha and I really threatened to do it so he was damn freaked out (dun want to part with his 50 bucks!). Anw so he really offered to take the mrt with me to cityhall haha. So we could catch up we haven't talked for a long time manz.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
4:02 PM
Today's sermon was good (: The pastor reminded us that maybe one reason why when we say we're running hard after God yet can't seem to find Him, is that when you run too hard you don't have breath left to talk or to appreciate His presence. That when you walk, everyone can keep in line with one another, hold hands, feel each other's presence, and have a nice intimate chat. And that there's really no need to go all out to evangelize-- all talk and no action speaks for nothing. It's only when you're so full of God and what He stands for, that when you walk down the hallway and everyone feels Him in you and want whatever you have. That's the only way to do it. Fill yourself with God. Anyway the sermon's helped me realise how much I love Him and love His presence. It's been kind of hard to focus on this journey with God recently, what with so many things going on and all the doubts and frustration. But God is great and God is good <3 I want everyone to know that God is everything I stand for and everything I live for!
After service was mt house d outingg haha. We went to watch enchanted. Omg. People if you have alot of money to waste pls go watch it. It's damn horror. Zhiwen spent the whole time whining and whining to me and grace abt how horrible it was. 'Omg. Jiening kill me now. I can't stand being in this theatre anymore.' And the worst was when hundreds of animated crockroaches ran out of the person's bathroom to help the princess clean the house. Omg GROSS. Then zhiwen was hiding his face behind his hands. 'Omg I don't want to watch. tell me when it's over!!' 'Why?' 'Omg it's damn scary!!' o.o Hahahaha.
And joseph is screwed up!
Jun Lin says:
er nxt time watch movie u shldnt sit nxt to meJun Lin says:
i keep staring at you then i cant watch the movieyou're so hot that I melted says:
HAHAHA WTHyou're so hot that I melted says:
screwed upJun Lin says:
hahaJun Lin says:
u screwwed me mah
I was like wtH? There's something wrong with guys like seriously! Anw the movie is really stupid and cheesy. But the main theme song is super addictive. It's called true love's kiss. It goes like, I've been dreeeaaaaming of a true love's kissss! Hahaha our house d just kept singing the song.
Random photo-sharing and reminiscing abt the past with ngiam now! Haha his photos are all super funny.
Yay decor work starts tmr again haha fun fun
Omg time passes damn fast. Suddenly got this reminder I set like in SEPTEMBER, this bet I had with cheong fuginn! Hahaha we made this bet that we were supposed to meet at cityhall mrt at 10pm on 3rd december. Then the person who pangseh will have to treat the other to crystal jade. Then he bet that I wouldn't appear, and I bet that he wouldn't appear, so whoever loses this bet have to treat seoul garden as well! hahaha CHEONG FUGINN YOU WATCH OUT! I bet he won't be there tmr night. Of course I will (: get free crystal jade and seoul garden treat! :D Hahahaha oh man fun days.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
3:44 PM
Haha yayy junliang sent our pseudo-og photos! :D

Haha I like this photo! It was when we had smelly whipped cream on our noses haha

Our first station for half the OG!

Me and jevonn! :D Haha our shirt colours are so cool

Yay our girls' successful jumping picture! :D

Haha tinkerbell 123!

Half of tinkerbell acting cute!

JUNLIANG ACTING CUTE. Hahaha. That's the super rings drink eeee gross

Haha a random photo I just found! From national day I just came back from class ad camp and ali forced me to take a pic with him and sean crashed it! Hahaha ali's so cute.

Hahaha this photo was super funny! Shuting and I were chasing hongjie to make him take photos with us (cos hongjie is cute). Then he din want to so he gave black face in my photo. Then elton commented he looked very fierce so he was trying it out again in shuting's photo! Haha so now they look like abusing husband and abused wife! :D
2:33 PM
Hahaha junwei is damn cute! He saw my tshirt design.
junwei says:
wow your camel very cute!you're so hot that I melted says:
haha reallyyou're so hot that I melted says:
thanks!you're so hot that I melted says:
haha you guys discussing which design to use?junwei says:
ahh nope!junwei says:
i also duno how we going to decide lehjunwei says:
hmm! maybe i submit my own designyou're so hot that I melted says:
hahahayou're so hot that I melted says:
coolio okay go submit!junwei says:
hahajunwei says:
i submit under your name okay?junwei says:
if i say its me they drag it into recycle bin straight away!you're so hot that I melted says:
hahahahayou're so hot that I melted says:
okay okayyou're so hot that I melted says:
i want to see alsojunwei says:
hahaokayjunwei says:
actually i havent started drawingjunwei says:
i will start nowyou're so hot that I melted says:
you can draw?you're so hot that I melted says:
wah surprise yahyou're so hot that I melted says:
haha i really want to see!junwei says:
hahajunwei says:
err actuallyjunwei says:
i cannotjunwei says:
Hahaha. And yannengz and I are having an interesting convo on... people. Lol.
12:37 PM
Hahaha omg I love this line it cracks me up everytime I hear the song.
Okay I have loads of MT work to do I think. Just that I dunno where to start. Hmm.
9:09 AM
Don't come into my life just to fade into the background.
It's not nice. You know?
8:52 AM