Monday, March 31, 2008
2:36 PM
Today was such a good good day (:
Despite the fact that I forgot to bring my wallet and I lost my deo, and I had to film annoying campaigners who act as if they've already gotten into council. But well I guess God can't give you too much happiness in one day.
I got my A for mathhhh I'm damn happy like FINALLYYY. Anyway looks like even if I fail econs (not too badly though :\) I can still match support! (:
Match support! It was just awesome to see alllll the 27ths in matchsupport shirt in the council canteen once more, bustling around waiting to get down to support the waterpolo guys. It's just breathtaking. And cheering our hearts out for them at the pool. Haha we thrashed hc! Whoo. Damn exciting match.
Stayed in school to have short meeting with david, then went to councilcanteen to sing and play congkak (council's favourite pasttime) we made alot alot alot of noise hahaha yewei and joan were pretending to have a concert :D oh and we weighed chengjie hahahah :D to be fair I think the weighing scale is spoilt la our weights like abit too heavy. HAPPY BDAY FATSO (:
Andddddd MT won writer's guild which is like damn damn lot of points!!! Finally our breakthrough. Hopefully we've caught up some bit so our 28ths wouldn't have too much to work on.
Haha okayy. Long long day tmr (:
Sunday, March 30, 2008
5:23 PM

2:04 PM
Haha dinner with some 27ths yesterday was damn funny.
We were laughing like mad over davidlu's escapades in RI hahaha he is so retardedly unglam!
And walter was entertaining me and hweeleong:
walter (after his shocking 2nd bowl of noodles): It's weird, how my tummy expands... I think... I think... I'm a FISH! Oh my god! A FISH!
Okay I need to get back into the mugging mode. ):
Friday, March 28, 2008
2:22 PM
You start to wonder why you're here not thereAnd you'd give anything to get what's fairHohoooo test tommorrow! Hope I don't screw up ><
Yay then I can take a really short break. Before I start catching up on my school work bleh.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
1:55 PM
p.s. I'm sorry if I've been a bad friend/ classmate (especially!)/ colleague these days ): there's just too much to cope with
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
3:38 PM
So tired.
Life's like running laps on the school track. You want to give up so badly because you're already out of breath and half dead. But you can't because there's only a hundred more metres to go, and you've already ran so far it's such a pity to give up. So you just will yourself to go on and hope your friends will be there to support you and stay with you till the end of your race.
Yay I finished all 6 laps for PE today (: even though I just died at the end, and worried mum and jes (thanks jesssss:D) but I'm on my way to gettinggggg fitterrrr hoho! Soon soon.
Right now... h3econs is more important.
Haha ngiam was joking that jevon gave me love letters today. Basically what jevon did was to take his mayonaise-soaked lettuce out of his chicken burger and throw it at me. Lettuce, letters, geddit. Ahaha. Retarded.
2:07 PM
It's my kor's birthday today!!
Haha he's twenty alreadyy. And I'm about to be eighteen zomg we're all grown up.
Anyway thank you Lord for my older brother he's been such a source of inspiration and a great role model for me and my younger brother. And without him I'd have been nothing I am now.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
1:53 PM
Love blinds people. Lol.
Damn tired lehhh I also dunno why ): Ahhhh I need to study my h3 econs ): Was supposed to study today but ended up playing congkak with warren junyang and hweeleong. The councilroom is soooo distracting haha.
Haha today was campaigners' meeting. So exciting! My OGlings very very coincidentally got philip as their mentor and they are damn happy haha.
Okay... i shall go study until i fall asleep :\ my back hurts like mad I think my bag is too heavy or something
Monday, March 24, 2008
1:56 PM
Today was PE. We were supposed to run 6 rounds. But I degen-ed soo sooooo soooooooo badly that I ran a grand total of 3 rounds and felt like puking/ fainting. And the rest of the day was like super dead and tired. It was like I ran a marathon. And it was only 3 rounds zomg :\
Okay I'll do better uh next time. Hahaha shit NAPFA coming up I die.
Campaigning results out today! It was damn exciting haha. Yay campaigners' meeting tmr so exciting!
At night had h3 econs tuition with mandy sean linxi mel from hweeleong's buddy. Haha she's so nice! Free tuition lah. Okay I must do well for the testttt
Okay I'm freaking tired (cos of that 3 rounds) I need to sleep or I'll foam and die tmr.
ps my GC screwed up again ): SUCKS. It's posessed la seriously. It was liddat last year before promos also. Rarrrrrr.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
10:16 AM
Now Thomas, called the Twin, one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples therefore said to him, 'We have seen the Lord.'
So he said to them, 'Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.'
And after eight days His disciples were again inside, and Thomas with them. Jesus came, the doors shut, and stood in the midst, and said, 'Peace to you!' Then He said to Thomas, 'Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing.'
And Thomas answered and said to Him, 'My Lord and my God!'
Jesus said to him, '
Thomas, bacuse you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.'
Happy easter sunday (:
Friday, March 21, 2008
5:06 PM
10:45 AM
Oh my god.
Walter is such a genious.
He insisted on buying black paper to print on. And when I got home I realised you can't print on black paper. So he said, 'print white on black then!'
.. and I told him you can't print white ink. And he said, 'huh no white ink meh?'
(y) hahahahahaha what a bimbo zomg
Ohoh and there're damn cute food keychains and whatnot at tampines mall!! They look damn real. Walter bought a pizza pen and icecream and oreo keychains lol. They're damn cute. Except it'll be a real torture to look at if you're hungry.
Hmm. I'm hungry.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
10:32 AM
My fever's down but now I've developed a nasty headache. Hmm.
The stupid front counter woman was a bitch and the doctor ignored half of whatever I said. I hate clinics.
Lalala no one's on msn everyone's out celebrating ):
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
1:13 PM
Oh no I feel quite bad for missing bio tomorrow it's like CTs never ended.
But if I go for it that means I'll have 10 topics to cover in 4 hours. And just thinking about that gives me a headache.
But then it means I have to go get an mc tmr and I'm damn lazy leh ):
Life is. Damn tough la.
Haha your guardian angel by red jumpsuit apparatus is permanently stuck in my head
Use me as you willpull my strings just for a thrilland I know I'll be okaythough my skies are turning gray;
9:51 AM
I am not going for bio cts tmr.
Haha I spent like 3 hours staring at my cloning techniques notes, and another 2 hours staring at GMOs, and I succeeded in getting nothing except a headache.
Ah shucks. Must go see doctor.
Meanwhile I shall sleep and hope my temperature goes down by friday, else I can't go for dry run ):
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
11:03 AM
I have a feverrr how am I going to survive till thursday? ):
7:53 AM
Monday, March 17, 2008
3:06 PM
OMG this is seriously no joke I wish I could say I'm lying but noooo I am so unprepared for chem that I am going to FAIL chem. It's 11pm and I haven't even finished 1 topic and there's 3 topics.
Ahhhhhhhh. Die. Die die diee
2:08 PM
so dead. So so so so so so so so so so so dead.
Ahhhhhhhhh I wanna go match support ): I don't wanna do badly for CT1 ):
Sunday, March 16, 2008
1:11 PM
What the hell made me highlight my macroecons notes bright pink?? It's blinding me ZOMG
12:08 PM
Shit I realise there's so much on econs I haven't finished studying about.
Watch me bomb tmr's common test ><
Saturday, March 15, 2008
10:23 AM
Aha mugging in the councilroom is damn funny. Go councilroom muggers!
But it was damn unproductive too and I think alot of it was my fault. Cos I keep singing along at full volume with the music we play and distracting myself and everyone in the room :\ aha.
Aieeeeee CTs in 2 days! ): and I'm damn unprepared. Haha oh no I need to grow a new brain and become x207329734920 smarter! I'm becoming stupider and stupider all thanks to hweeleong and sean who always call me stupid ):
Damn tireddd I wanna sleeep. h3 econs today was the most no deal-est thing ever ever in the worlddd and the quiz is in 2 weeks which means right after CTs I can't play, have to continue mugging if I want a good grade ):
Thursday, March 13, 2008
1:43 PM
Haha teaching ngiam math is damn no deal.
Nothing about math goes into his head. He doesn't know math at all! And he can't add, but refuses to use his GC to help him add.
Mugging in the council room is quite fun but also quite distracting.
Hweeleong is the smartest thing on earth ): not fair.
I'm going to download alot alot of songs now and blast them tmr in the councilroom! :D
Shit I really hope I dun fail anything. I have no confidence at all for anything.
Seriously. Everything's like half-baked and time is running out.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
5:05 PM
Haha it's 1am but I'm still not going off cos there're a thousand people online and I feel bad going off to sleep when everyone's still up mugging! ):
I CONQUERED INTEGRATIONS 5A TODAY. kind of, not really ahaha :D but enough to make me happy!
Yay okay.
Break my heart for what breaks Yours,Everything I am for Your kingdom's cause
2:37 PM
Fuck, my family falls exactly under the description of a stupid dysfunctional family, can you believe it?
Stop arguing and pushing each other around already. Before someone really gets killed. wtf.
Monday, March 10, 2008
3:29 PM
OhmyFREAK I know absolutely nuts about integration and PnC
Ahhhh I dun wanna fail math! ><
Cause I'm hanging on every word you're sayingEven if you don't wanna speak tonightThat's alright, alright with me
2:50 PM
Went mugging with mumz at changi airport todayyyyyyy! She is such a bimbo like seriously. It's BAD influence on me ):
I am tired. And I think I'm super undisciplined and I need to stop procastinating and everything and really study. Shucks I think I'm going to do quite badly for CTs ): but I'm consoling myself by thinking that its only CTs 1! :D
Okay. Backache ):
Haha the whole world so picky! Aiyoh. I never knew jiening and jie ning made a difference o.o
Hahaha ngiamz is damn funnyy he woke up 1hr later than his study schedule allowed and smsed me: 'the road to success is fraught with difficulty.'
Riiiiiight hahaha
Okay. Back to math. Life is tough.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
4:55 PM
Who am I, that You would care for me?
glorify the One who died for me.
12:41 PM
I looooove the j1s they are
so enthusiastic omg my life is so much simpler.
I hate carbonated drinks, I hate orange juice, I hate overly-sweetened drinks, I hate sour drinks, and most of all I hate not getting what I want. Even if its just a drink.
Friday, March 07, 2008
2:26 PM
Haha my OGlings are damn funnyyy.
The dumbest convo I've ever had:
jiening. says:
you're damn foskill HIT says:
wad lakiller HIT says:
i wanted to ask u out tmrkiller HIT says:
since u insulted me like thatkiller HIT says:
im not going to tell u that im asking u out
killer HIT says:
some ppl like me thinks u are hotkiller HIT says:
but most ppl dun think u are hotjiening. says:
really ah ):jiening. says:
who so bad taste?killer HIT says:
actuall there are only 2 ppl in the world with good tastekiller HIT says:
one is mekiller HIT says:
the other is u
killer HIT says:
alot of gals like me
jiening. says:
wah lao thats damn random
jiening. says:
but yeah since the whole world except me have bad taste...
jiening. says:
i guess its bound to happen.
Hahaha and another OGling:
It gets me so down down down down says:
STOP SLACKING.jiening. says:
hahahahaha jiening. says:
yah la yah laJIENING: STOP SLACKING says:
look at my msn nickYeah I better stop slacking haha. My butt hurts from sitting on this chair the whole bloody day! ):
Ooh my buddy did quite well for his As haha scare me whole day talk abt how he was going to do badly. All As except gp B which I suan him for (damn bad :D) everytime he gets cocky abt his 4As lol.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
3:22 PM
Last IHC of our term.
Well I had loads of fun playing gomuku with jevon muhd jianhui anna weiyuan marco! It was damn funny I tell you. At first muhd was owning jianhui and practically everyone else, and weiyuan beat him and me! And I was thrashing jevon's ass. And jevon beat yen. And yen beat muhd! Hahaha one full circle. All of them were making fun of yen and I cos we really couldn't see anything at all, yet all of them could alr predict like the 3rd or 4th moves. I really dunno how guys do that seriously. So at first I was just getting owned by everyone except jevon aha. Everyone was fighting to play with me just so they could feel smart ):
But after some break the food chain reversed and jevon began to win muhd. And I beat weiyuan like many times!! And sean too I beat him in like, 10 moves and he was just stunned at my intellect and ingenuity la :D hahaha. Jevon and I also developed a damn cool strategy that we were planning to use when we get into like international gomuku finals too.
Afterwards marco finished playing weiqi so he played gomuku with me too! We were analysing all the cool cool strategies to win. Then we got bored so we started playing reversi. haha the weiqi beads are really damn useful can play alot of games :D
After chess went out with bw councillors to eat dinner. They are seriously damn bad. They turned off all the lights and locked me in the council room and watched me scream and took photos of me looking like an animal exhibit ): Until bb councillors came and got pissed at them for bullying me and set me free :D haha damn retarded please.
Okay. I will start mugging dilligently tmr. Must must must.
Monday, March 03, 2008
2:27 PM
I'm going to screw up my cts and I wish I would care more.
I wish I could care more about everything.
“And,” He smiled slightly. “All the star wanted to do was to shine brightly enough, to be sure the ungrateful bastards back on earth did not blame the moon for its ineptness in its heroic light-producing business.”
2:25 PM
Winning doesn't matter.That's what they all say.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
10:16 AM
gp cts and bio spa was ugh ):
27ths dinner was great ((:
game theory today was damn no deal ):