Wednesday, September 30, 2009
7:01 PM
Yesterday morning at 7am we were all rudely awakened by a shrill alarm, which everyone thought were their alarm clocks (yb was describing how he was banging his snooze button repeatedly). After realising it was a fire alarm, we all made our way out of the hall in various states of undress.. all the singaporeans (6 of us) were wearing school shirts and fbts/shorts and you only realise what a bad idea it is to sleep in that attire when you're outside your hall, at 7am, on a chilly London morning. Haha it was funny seeing everyone in bed clothes. There were people in fluffy bunny slippers, bathrobes, and the best-- some guy who was bathing when the alarm sounded-- in
nothing but a skimpy towel.
Am doing better right now! Went out grocery shopping with jenhan and joel (my kor's rj schoolmates.. again it's very weird to know friends of your brother) last night. And we realised that buying microwaveable food from marksnspencers or sainsbury is sooo much nicer tasting and cheaper. AND I AM DAMN PISSED OFF. My ethernet TOTALLY doesn't work.. at first I thought it was a hall problem, cos joel's didn't work too. But then I realised that my honky neighbour was happily surfing the net next door -.- Now I can only use the wireless network.. but it's super laggy D: I can't upload my photos! ):
Ooh and yesterday was kind of a CCA fest thing. The thing is, joining most societies require you to pay some money.. sports are all 10 pounds per sport (crazy, but it's for health insurance :S), clubs and societies range from free to 3 pounds mostly. Being a very unadventurous person, most of the things I joined were pretty standard and expected. Christian Union, SingSoc, Law Soc (wahh damn ex, 3 pounds.. heart pain D:), Art club.. but also quite cool stuff like London Theatres, where they buy theatre tickets in bulk for us at discounted prices, Itchyfeet, a group of students who raise funds so that they can backpack to various parts of Europe, and some Brigade group who go down to various parts of Africa during term breaks to learn more about and help out in the public health and water systems stuff. Yb and I decided that maybe we could use the 'learning more abt water works in other countries' thing to get pub to sponsor us somehow! :D Would be a damn good experience.
Today I finally met derek (we have decided to become good friends since we dun feel very at home with most of the other sporeans, and we have a common friend in annalee haha!) for lunch, then he joined me and my mum at chinatown. The chinatown here is really quite nice! It is decorated by thousands of red lanterns right now, and has chinese words all over lol. The supermarts are so familiar too! There're even Yeo's canned drinks :D
Yep yep planning to tour London tomorrow, since I've mostly done all the basic registration stuff for school. I AM OFFICIALLY AN LSE STUDENT. WHOO.
I miss my scholar friends. But I think we'll be meeting soon, haha hopefully (: I'm so disconnected from everyone here! I haven't even talked to anyone outside of my school, much less seen them, even though Kings is just two streets away and I've been walking past it every day. Ohwell.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
8:30 PM
Okay I'm in London!
I LOVE MY FRIENDS. Haha so many came to send me off! Love y'all!! I know I looked like a cold unfeeling bitch cos I din even shed a single tear (whoohoo!) But rest assured, I spent a large part of my plane journey sobbing into my pillows.
The first day was utter crap, was tired, cranky, everything. Managed to talk to some students, there are students from seriously EVERY part of the world. Most of them are from UK or Europe, but like really exotic-sounding places (like norway! finland! munich!). They're friendly I guess, but only up to 1.your name 2.your course 3.which level you're staying at 4.which country you're from, then the conversation dies :S In fact, when they started drinking and having fun I excused myself, went to yongbin's room and emo-ed there with him haha. SO SAD RIGHT.
Okay the second day! We had a walk to LSE, which was long and confusing BUT very pretty! London has really pretty buildings, they're all brick and stones and grand. And the grass is so green, it hurts your eyes to stare. The weather is nice too! As our dean said, global warming really did wonders to London weather.. haha. It hasn't rained for 2 weeks. Yep anyway LSE really wasn't as bad as I'd heard. It's not really just random buildings scattered in London, it's actually a whole bunch of buildings scattered in London.. and they're rather pretty (in a grand, brick way) buildings.
The library is AWESOME. It's the biggest social science library in the entire world (9 million books!), and it has a huuuge spiral staircase going through the middle of it which is rather impractical cos the floors are not very far apart but you have to go down thousands of spiral stairs just to move up or down a floor.
Because I was at school too early, went wandering randomly about the area with my mum until we found an shopping area nearby. Have I said that London has REALLY nice buildings? Cos the buildings are REALLY awesome. It's hard to describe how exactly awesome they are, just that Singapore does not own a single building that can compare to their awesomeness. And it's full of theatres and museums. And the royal court of justice? MAN, just looking at it will make you pee in your pants, it's so damn imposing and ancient. Sadly I forgot to bring out my camera, so it'll have to be another day.
Walked around many streets that you can find on Monopoly, how cool is that. I live in Rosebery, which is in Angel (I think its the blue property on Monopoly). Kings Cross is nearby, and I found Strand, Bow Street, Trafalgar Square, Euston.. haha can't remember whats on featured already.
Today ended a very happy day, because I finally saw the other singaporeans in the other halls (like shimin and yiming, and derek!!) AND I made friends with just about all the malaysians in my hall!! People, it's very easy to say that only mixing with Asians when we've paid so much money to get all the way here is a damn waste of cash...but you have no idea how absolutely relieving it is to be able to talk singlish and joke around using your own brand of asian humour. I MISS SINGAPORE. Anyway yeah basically the malaysians in my hall are abundant and they rock, and we went grocery shopping at Sainsbury.
Right now, I'm being damn loser and cooping up in my room because just about everyone else from LSE is at some party (drinking from 8pm-3am -.-). Well, at least I know now that if I'm feeling lonely I could just pop by one of the other asians' rooms (which are mostly on my level(:) YES I'm damn happy being a loser!
Have I mentioned my roommate? Okay she's vietnamese, and she's nice. And she's lived in the UK for the past 2 years, so she's very comfortable being in London. Which is a very good thing, since I really need loads of help getting around. However, as nice as she is, I still find having a roomie something of a hassle.. take now, for example. It's 1am here, and she's gone to bed already, so I can't make noise. I can't even emo in peace, there'll always be her around D:
But tomorrow will be a good day too, because I'm meeting derek for lunch and stuff (: A friend! I love friends especially when I'm here. Lol.
Right right will be less coherent some other days.
Btw the freshers 15 rumour is totally untrue, like I've told Nick, it's more of a freshers minus 15. Guess what I've had today? For breakfast I had 2 slices of bread (with a little jam). Lunch was one 6-inch subway. Dinner was a peach, some yoghurt, and a donut. Yesterday I only had some bacon on the plane, then half a cup of maggie mee for dinner. If this goes on I'll be slim :D
Yepp anyways am missing Singapore loads.
And you, don't dao meee ):
Saturday, September 26, 2009
11:20 AM
3 hours to the airport, 5 to my departure.
I can't believe this time's finally come, after months and months of it being not more than a possibility.
The most over-asked question recently has been this-- am I excited?
Well, yes and no. Would you be excited leaving 19 years of happy memories behind and venturing into a place you've hardly ever known? Well of course being in London will be really cool (literally haha) but I'll probably spend a week or so pining about my friends and family here first.. I'll miss so many things! Friends, family, food, being able to carry my purse in my hands without it being snatched away, the lack of racism (against me!), the Singaporean sense of humour (no one will laugh at my lame attempts at joking anymore)..
Anyway yes, I've had an awesome 19 years in Singapore. Sometimes I think about how supremely extremely blessed I've been all my life, and I'm afraid it's only to make up for the very bad that'll come later... I mean seriously, I think I'm like the luckiest and most fortunate girl ever. But haha OKAY no more weird theories.
Thanks friends (: I know I'll never find better gems like the ones I already know, so please keep in touch with me! May the few thousand miles between us never come become an excuse to distance our friendships, which are hopefully more like strong covalent bonds than weak H bonds. Love you all.
Friday, September 25, 2009
2:20 PM
Today was the coolest day ever. I met my primary 5-6 bestie after not seeing/talking to her for 6 years!! Haha :D
We hit off well (though we were worried we wouldn't have anything to say to each other) I guess that's why we were besties in pschool huh?
2:14 PM
I can't believe it's finally here.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
4:11 AM
23 + 22 + 17= OVERWEIGHT!
D: I have to remove about 8 more kgs of stuff... the rate I'm going I don't need to wear anything in London already lor ): Maybe I need lighter luggages hmm.
Tired tired tireddd.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
7:32 PM
As I was making some soup for myself in the kitchen and humming along to a song, my brother (who was next to me getting coke) suddenly turned to me and said, "when you're there... please don't get yourself an angmoh boyfriend. They're jerks."
(Of course, I didn't tell him about the rich oil prince from Saudi Arabia idea..)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
6:30 PM
This is what I need to get into my 29inch luggage (limited to about 20kg yo) + handcarry:
3 hugeass coats which takes up nearly half my luggage space
7 hoodies/jackets
3 scarves
8 jeans
6 skirts
4 leggings
1083217 tops (okay exaggerated more like... 30. I dunno why I even bother bringing my tanktops, someone slap me)
6 shorts (fbts included! fbts ftw!)
5 favourite school shirts
6 belts
5 pairs of shoes
1 pair of slippers
a big box of nailpolish (I buy too many ):)
1 pretty musical box (bday present (:) full of accessories + another small box cos that box wasn't big enough :/
3 bags
5 caps
Damnit I haven't even packed in my undergarments -.- can I just buy them there?? or go commando all the way hahaha!!! okay I din say that
my 4 favourite novels + 1 travel book + 3 more random books
my laptop..
shit! socks! argh socks are so the least of my worries right now -.-
..and SHIT I need to bring hangers too.
OH THE PAIN. Of having to squash everything into the luggage, sweat, sit on it so that I can zip it up, sweat, curse when it refuses to close, sweat, plop it on the weighing machine AND ZOMG OVERWEIGHT. Then having to unzip it, rack my brains over what else to remove, then repeat the whole process.
6:05 PM
You guys, packing is an absolute bitch. Seriously.
I've got about 50kg allowance.. and I think I've got at least 60?65?kgs worth of stuff now. AFTER I've removed all my not-as-life-threatening essentials. ):
I shouldn't have bought so many clothes! shoes! coats! now ): I'm sorry ):
And haha funny fact: I've packed about 15 black tops and only 1 white top! Hoho TAKE THAT, white clothes!
Okay whatever I'm damn pissed off with the fact that I haven't finished packing and my luggages are ALL overweight. Grrr.
Monday, September 21, 2009
5:48 PM
I miss that town
I miss the faces
You can't erase
You can't replace it
I miss it now
I can't believe it
So hard to stay
Too hard to leave it.
If I could I relive those days
I know the one thing that would never change
Every memory of looking out the back door
I had the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor
It's hard to say it, time to say it
Goodbye, goodbye.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
6:41 PM
... I will really miss my friends.
6 days.
Friday, September 18, 2009
5:07 PM
It keeps me up at night.
Just one more week left.
What's so wrong
why the face so long
Is it over?
And where you going
that you no longer belong here?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
4:24 PM
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
3:58 PM
Because where I go, you cannot follow.
5:38 AM
Ocs social night was last night. And because ye wei planned it, it really wasn't as boring as I'd expected aha. And also because it was only 2 hours long.. had to sit at the vip table with all his officers/wing commander and get served though (privilege of being the IC's date -.-) so it was damn awkwardddd. I didn't even dare do anything but eat whatever wei put on my plate! And dawn (who was dragged by her friends dragged by ye wei to be dates of his friends) who was on another table WAS BEING ANNOYING. I was sending her multiple smses begging her to come over and save me by asking me to the toilet. Then she replied, 'wait. I eat my sushi first.' -.-
Then a few of us hung out at serangoon gardens ice cube for a while.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
7:39 PM
Except that my tummy is dyiing now... haha. But where we went yesterday-->
Where: Eng Seng Restuarant, joochiat!
What: Chilli crabs
- nice (y) but they're famous for their black pepper crabs. It's min 2 crabs, $25 per crab... which made us very broke to start off with haha
Where: Lavender Food Square
What: popiah and carrot cake; pork floss and cheese pancake; Bugis Street chicken rice
- the popiah sucked, the carrot cake rocked our asses off and so did the quirky pancake thingy; the chicken rice was normal.
Where: Zion Road
What: Char kway teow
- so-so only leh... perhaps because we were their second-last customers.
Where: Chomp Chomp in Serangoon Gardens
What: Hokkien mee and SAMBAL STINGRAY
- hokkien mee so-so, sambal stingray rocked! Very hot (:
Where: One of the prata stalls in Jalan Kayu
What: Pratas; Indian rojak; mutton soup
- pratas were nice but ex! Indian rojak okay lor.. and the mutton soup was weird. Not in a nice way.
Where: Selegie Soya stall in Jalan Kayu
What: Tau huay! Plain, gula malacca and ginko.
- VERY NICE (: especially the plain one.
Poor aylwin had to drive us all home.. and haha yuleng lived in chua chu kang D: So I reached home at 3.30am!
Fun fun ((: Too bad we only have 2-3 weeks left in singapore.. no chance for part3.
Will miss the food here!
Friday, September 11, 2009
5:54 PM
Had a CRAZY day today:
First went to ttsh to get my flu and meningitis jabs. It was damn fast, whole thing lasted like ten seconds? But it was FREAKING painful. My arm still aches now ):
Made my way down to newton to meet yongbin to collect our bankdrafts (I AM 16K SGD RICHER HOHO). Met zhenxiong on the way after he collected his! (btw zx LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE EDISON CHEN ON HIS DRIVING LICENSE. Which he refuses to let me take photos of so that I can tell ppl I know edison chen personally ):) Then we met up with james, who happened to have collected his too, and had lunch at fareast (pontian wantonmee, which I will miss loads).
Was supposed to meet minqi at 3pm, but it was 2pm only so I got persuaded to head down to the IT fair at suntec.
We missed our stop while talking, and ended up in clarke quay -.-
Decided to camwhore with the merlion and sightsee lol.
Met aylwin at the it fair! PUB spontaneous outing day aha.
Then was very late for my meeting with minqi o.o Went back to orchard to shop until my legs wanna drop and my pockets have hole.
Then had to rush to the airport to have dinner with nette, after which met my yearmates (a few only, what happened to everybody!! ):) for weiming's sendoff!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
11:44 AM
Question: should I waste my luggage space bringing over my cd collection? It's not very big lah, they fill up two shoeboxes nicely.. about 45 cds. Not very heavy at all, but very space consuming. And I'm afraid everything would break if my suitcase is manhandled. And what's the point if all the songs are in my itunes already?? (ahem I'm a very legal person okay) BUT it's damn stupid to leave it at home too I mean my parents aren't gonna listen to them right :/ And I'm afraid my mum will throw it away cos she might think it wastes space at home!
Okay people! When you go out with me PLEASE (even if you have to use force) prevent me from buying more clothes/ cds! I think I spent at least 1k this month already.. the expensive cost of being unemployed ):
Grrr everytime I walk into HMV I feel so tempted to buy down the whole shop. ALL THOSE AWESOME CDS SCREAMING OUT TO BE OWNED BY ME. ): Okay no money no moneyyy
10:09 AM
So I'm trying to improve my photoshopping skills so that I can have pretty pictures to post up when I go touring!
And I practiced on my korea trip photos.

Boring right? Yeah. After photoshop....

Don't you feel impelled to go there NOW? Say yes. Haha.
Okay lah my camera then was damn lousy so no more sorry.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
10:16 AM
Am looking at the wonderful photos on deviantart and wishing that I could take photos and manipulate the colours like that *jealous* even if I owned a dslr I'd never be able to properly use it lorrrr.
Anyone wanna buy me one anyway? only 2k! ((:
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
2:40 PM
Totally did not hurt like I imagined. In fact, I didn't even realise the dentist already removed it.
He's good! My tooth was neatly out in 5 minutes. The pain medication's worn off already and it doesn't hurt at all (: Hopefully it continues this way even tmr.. haha.
But right now it's still bleeding, so I'm continuously drinking my own blood o.O makes me really queasy, looks like I'm not cut out to be a vampire..
Friday, September 04, 2009
4:51 PM
God has been very very good to me, and I'm really grateful. His ways are definitely not what we understand at first, but when you finally see the light you realise He's been behind you all this time.
When I got put into the notorious partyhall, which wasn't even in any of my 6 choices, I thought what the hell I'm really gonna hate it. Then I realised one of my good buddies is there too! (:
And then yay today I FINALLY found like-minded friends from my uni yayayayay!
Grrr I have so many friends going to imperial lah I kinda wish I liked engineering instead now ): sigh
And I'm gonna draw againnnn make full use of my expensive pencils aha.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
3:15 PM
Today my scholar friends and me went on a FOOD TRIP in the east!! Hoho.
It's good to have friends who can drive man.
We didn't eat much lah, indian food at simpang bedok (murtabak, roti john, kebab), then icecream at SCOOPZ in parkway parade, katong laksa in katong, newton hokkien mee at fengshan (abit lame we know.. but most stalls weren't open afternoon), XO fish slice beehoon in eunos!
Haha we'll have part 2 sooon ((:
And maybe a trip to bangkok next week hoho so fun.
Yay okay! I can't believe I'm leaving so soon though :/ 24 more days.
See how I never mentioned my lsecamp? COS IT'S NOT WORTH MENTIONING. Except maybe I'll have to make friends with other asians hmm. Sigh it's hard to make friends ):