Wednesday, March 31, 2010
5:24 PM
Don't take what isn't meant to be yours.
12:00 PM
and reality sucks ugh.
Italy was quite an experience and definitely not what I/we imagined it'd be! Bologna was boring, florence was very pretty and chill, especially tuscany which was damn nice, rome was overrated and messy but super sunny. I guess the photos on fb will speak for themselves!
The company was awesome! The sad thing was everyone was falling sick-- first edwin and yijun, then yiming, then berns zz so we never really had everyone being haps and happy at once, except in tuscany. But we had fun anywayy! First we were america's next top models (cos our first apartment was super huge!!), then we became secret seven, and when shimin became a loser we became sexy six and the farm girl. Yj and eds went back and the fat face five/ famous five flew on to rome! Which was a very apt place to be, cos the roman ruins totally looked like georgina's kirrin island haha. We had loads of bad jokes and stupid moments, especially from shims who is super retarded, and berns is officially part of our sisterhood. He is damn cool with his raybans and riverisland coat btw, totally looked like a taiwanese actor!! Hee hee we were all fighting to take photos with him. And by the end of the trip everyone was talking like christabellaitalia which was very amusing.
Yeppp so in general we had fun and I got to know people better. I also drank so much coffee I've become an addict, and ate so much gelato, pizza and pasta that I'm totally off those stuff for quite some time. And now I'm back in my room, trying to procastinate the studying, laundry and groceries I have to do soon ): Life sucks.
And last night getting home from the airport was a horrible disaster. Not including the fact that I bought the bus tickets for the wrong time and wrong place (thankfully they were super slack about that), everything that could go wrong did. Took the bus to liverpool street, and realised that london weather was way too freaking cold for the skimpy amount of clothes I was wearing back from sunny rome. Tried to find the busstop which according to yijun's instructions was really far away, and missed the bus by a few seconds. Stood there in the cold for the next one, when it started drizzling. Told joel to pick me up from angel station cos it was late and I didn't want to get raped at 3am in the morning. The bus finally came, and I got on. THEN I GOT OFF THE WRONG STOP. Called joel to freak out, and in a surprising burst of sympathetic niceness he offered to walk to where I was to bring me home (I think he contemplated leaving me there to die). Then it started POURING. There was no shelter, so I sat on my bag outside kings cross station freezing my ass off and trembling for 25minutes waiting for him... when he appeared, dressed only in his football hoodie, shorts and slippers looking super frozen, grumbling about how some girls are so stupid they don't even know how to take the bus properly and how if his toes fell off he'd sue me for damages. Lol. Then we had to walk home another 25minutes. It was the coldest, most miserable 1.5hours of my life. My toes were like blocks of ice and I shook so bad my teeth chattered, and I will never ever ever be so dumb again.
BUT AT LEAST I'M HOMEEEEEEE. Back to mugging )): But first, photoooooos!!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
7:28 PM
Oh, let's go back to the start.
4:17 AM
Have been sitting in the library studying with the bromance since 5.30pm. It's 4.30am now. zz. BORED. And they wanna sit here until 8am zomg. I'd be damn embarrassed to be seen tired and greasy by people streaming in the morning D: FOUR MORE HOURS
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
4:31 AM
Spent the entire day/night in school studying with the bromance joel&leesheng, spent 1/2hour sitting in the unlit quad cafe being freaked out by lau who was telling me scary stories while waiting for joel to finish gymming, then another 1/2hr for him to finish dinner, got up to exit when we realised that we were locked in the bloody building cos it was so late, kept freaking out each other (the guys are WUSSES) because it was dark and empty and some alarm clock kept ringing, went up to various floors trying to find a bridge to another building-- it was like the start of some horror movie-- and finally got out and back into the library, stayed in the library until 2.30am cos they wanted to study, got distracted by lau telling me more scary stories + watching csi and freaking myself out further, walked home with joel who kept trying to scare me on the way as usual, and who admitted that despite his rippling muscles and hulking frame he'll run away if anyone tried to rape me, got kebabs, had supper, bathed, and now I'm back in my depressingly dusty room. Grr. stupid workmen, cannot vacuum my room after making such a mess of it ah. Bloody hell.
Okay long day goodmorning friends.
Monday, March 22, 2010
3:48 PM
Early this morning there was construction work going on outside my window, when suddenly i heard a loud THUD and an 'oh man!'. Minutes later, someone knocked furiously on my door and told me they needed to replace my window, so I had to leave my room. I opened my curtains... and found my window cracked -.- lol. What good luck.
They spent hours replacing the window, and everything in my room is covered in a thick film of dust. zz.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
11:02 PM
Ugh what a horrid time to get sick, my nose is dripping all the time and I can't smell anything.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
3:57 PM
Ngiam is always here to make life better.
When I needed advice most he's always here to listen and set me straight.
Thanks ngiam.
2:39 PM
God I need 10 panadols.
Woke up early in the morning to some guy barging into my room demanding that I move out immediately
Told him the fucking letter said we could move out by tomorrow
Went down to the receptionist to ask for an explanation
Was told that they had let my room out to some people who were moving in today
Had to move out by 3pm
Was slowly packing up when some woman barged in and told us if we didn't move out immediately we'd have to fucking pay an extra day's rent. Wtf, so now it's my fault you guys screwed up. THANKS.
Got our deadline extended till 1pm
Spent 3 fucking hours moving my entire life up 8 flights of stairs by myself
Got horrid sinuses and a migraine
My new room is chock full of unpacked luggages
I still don't know what I'm doing and what I'm going to do with everything
Everything including everything and not just this
and I just want to die.
Friday, March 19, 2010
12:43 PM
For an awesome 35mins and now I'm aching so badly I'm walking like a stiff robot. But hey, I haven't ran since napfa in j2 okay!!
zz I don't wanna pack up my room it looks like a tornado disaster aftermath ):
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
1:20 AM
Apart from whatever tragedy befell me, today I had one of the most lovely afternoons in London. Zhiwei and I decided to walk to covent garden between lectures because we didn't have work to do. We bought cakes/tarts from patisserie valerie and sat down to savour them on the pavement in the square. The sun was shining so brightly today it scorched our legs, but it was still cool and windy. Spring is here! The square was buzzing with happy people basking in the sunlight while sipping wine and enjoying the entertainers around. Then we went to thorntons and bought the most awesome icecream in the world. yums.
We shall have afternoon tea with scones and clotted cream soon.
And I have decided that sitting in my chair gorging myself with crisps while being depressed about my fat cheeks and flabby tummy isn't going to solve anything, so I have resolved to do something about it! Like running with someone who doesn't mind the fact that I run like a tortoise. Yay hopefully it helps.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
11:31 PM
'No pressure' gives me alot of pressure. It's asking me to play villain or martyr, either of which I cannot bring myself to do.
3:48 PM
Today is a day of bad news! One after another. zz. Cannot deal with it shall forget it.
Monday, March 08, 2010
8:08 PM
I only realise how much I need God and church for me to walk the right path, after skipping too much of it, and then returning back again.
Sunday, March 07, 2010
7:07 PM
WHY is it freezing cold now?? Spring is supposed to be coming ):
Thursday, March 04, 2010
9:07 PM
Suddenly craves a blueberry muffin. shit.
7:02 PM
So my roomie accused me of stealing her knife and her pan the other day, and locked up her cupboards... only to realise that she stole her own knife, in order to prevent me from using it (what a bitch). She insisted that it was still my fault that her pan was gone, so for the sake of peace (and because I'm a doormat, choose one) I told her I'd buy her a new one.
Fastforward to today morning, when I woke up to a letter on my laptop-- telling me that she only uses TEFAL, because 'it's healthy and lasts longer'. This totally made my eyes roll so far backwards that I could see my brain matter (it's alot)... because she's got so many pots and pans, and let me tell you- not a single one is from TEFAL. Only use TEFAL my ass. Maybe she scraped off the brand and the nonstick material and the high tech thermospot patch from all of them, cause I AIN'T SEEIN IT. wtf.
Okay la I bought it in the end cos it was on offer. But still, there was some serious cockup at sainsbury over the pricing which made yijun and I waste like 25mins of our lives -.- over a pan which my roomie can't even prove I lost -.- seriously, maybe she lost it instead right? Grr I'm gonna change my locker combi right NOW so she can't take anything.
Monday, March 01, 2010
5:46 PM
And there was sun today, and there was warmth, and little snowdrops and -I think they are- purple crocuses. As the saying goes, if snowdrops come, can spring be far behind?
Okay I'm just extremely jubilant cos the sun is still up.
Today in our crim lecture about drugs I realised that growing up and especially getting out of spore entails alot of things. Such as learning to accept that certain... conducts? which when you were young you took for granted as being extremely immoral or unthinkable, may not actually be as bad as you think. I guess the lecturer made some sense in that drugs aren't exactly more harmful than loads of stuff that are not criminal, like alcohol or smoking. Cannabis is much less addictive and harmful than those two. So does this stigma thing only depend on the current societal atmosphere? I dunno, it seems to kinda undermine all these christian values that I know. What's so different about getting a high doing drugs and doing sports? It can't be the addiction, I'm sure sportspeople are in some way addicted to sports as well.
Okay I can't be bothered to dwell on this anymore haha I'm sure there's something very flawed about my comparison but I don't careee. All I'm saying is, all this drug-taking, smoking, binge drinking, having sex stuff once seemed so extremely decadent. And once upon a time I could simply dissociate myself from all that, spout all sorts of condemnation of it, because I lived in a tiny protected bubble called rj. But now that I'm out in the real world, it's so much closer to home. You make friends with people who do such stuff. You see and hear about people doing such stuff. And then you're forced to re-examine your reasons for hating it, and you realise you can't give a good reason why. Or maybe you can't, because they're your friends and by that it somehow seems to be more acceptable?
Right the sun is setting let me continue studying.