Friday, April 30, 2010
11:38 PM
AHHHH I need to stop eating sweets while studying IVE GOT WAY TOO MUCH SUGAR IN MY SYSTEM
but haribo gummies are so yummy )))):
7:52 PM
we had a mock paper for contract today
halfway through the paper I was like WTF am I writing?? AND I had my notes to refer to.
I am so going to die ): depressed.
Exams are really so retarded. How the hell are you supposed to write an analytical, insightful and well-thought out essay when you only have 45mins per essay and 3 essays to write per module?? And I really dun get why we must spot and ditch topics. Isn't it much smarter to 1. give us more time so we can actually write a good essay 2. give us a question for every topic so we dunneed to go into the whole science of exam spotting?? It's so unfair that exams are so geared towards lucky people who have great exam skills instead of people who've actually put in alot of hard work into studying. zz. If you just give me more time, I'm sure I can write you a brilliant essay ))):
We need a Commission to churn out a consultation paper on this topic!!!!! PROTEST.
and haha I should stop drinking double-shot lattes from starbucks every day I'm getting ulcers on my tongue :P
Thursday, April 29, 2010
10:24 PM
All I look forward to every day is waking up, running out with yijun to exmouth market in our unglam PJs, buying awesome food (like burgers and mushroom risotto and yummy cakes), and then going to the starbucks with the nice guy who recognises us and our weird convoluted orders, to get our daily dose of coffee.
p.p.s jeremy shaved his head over skype this afternoon in preparation of going into army HEE HEE it was traumatising but extremely amusing.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
8:59 PM
Yijun and I got sianed of studying downstairs in our hall this evening
So on a crazy whim we upped and left
and now we're in the library
do to an all-nighter!! :D
1:11 PM
you have no idea how drastically my mood changes by just having
one friend to study with each day (: and how much more I can concentrate on my studying!
hee hee. neediness101. it's not about having someone there to talk to or have fun with while studying, it's just knowing there's someone there.
Monday, April 26, 2010
10:06 PM
HI FRIENDS I'm blogging because I'm miserable again, I'm miserable because school started and I realise how much more work there is left unfinished, and how impossible it seems to be able to do well for the exams ):
And I also admit that I have been reduced into a weak and needy ball of whining. I cannot study without the company of friends. I cannot even survive a day (or an hour) alone before descending into despair and depression. ): I NEED LOVE AND FRIENDS AND ATTENTION. HI FRIENDS WHERE IS EVERYONE.
Boo. I hate being so weak and needy but I can't help it, studying is depressing enough without having to go through this alone )): I don't want to sound extremely pathetic (uh although I do) but if you have time and residual love to give PLEASE GIVE DONATE IT TO THE SAVE-A-JIENING-FOUNDATION PLZZZ. text hotline +447517850722 for donations of 50cents per sms (note: O2 users have free privileges). for free donations, use our email or facebook functions. xoxo
Thank goodness for yijun being in the hall zz without her I think if I died in my hall no one will realise until I dun turn up for exams D:
At least some strangers brought joy into our lives today! We went to Eat and requested they make iced matcha soy latte for us. After many many confusing instructions and amused looks, they churned out a yummy drink for us at a very low price + gave us leftover cupcakes they were about to throw away cos it was closing time! Yay for little mercies in life.
And I love you lynette leeeeeeeee!
1:43 AM
I NEVER used to get cramps until I came to london):
And then I saw this article:
"When you first get your period, it is common for you to be irregular, and you may not ovulate for a few months, or even for a few years. So you may not have menstrual cramps when you first begin your period. After one, two, or three years, when your hormonal system is more mature, you might have more severe menstrual cramps."
IS THIS TRUE? Does that mean I haven't been ovulating for the past dunno how many years of periods??? On a side note, does it mean I could have had carefree sex last time since I wouldn't have had to worry about getting pregnant??
Okay hahaha TMI I'm sorry. It's late and I'm highhh
Moved back to my old room again, and school starts tmr! Time passes too quickly.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
8:27 PM
Boo shimin thinks I'm turning anorexic! ): she damn scary scold me today and wanted to cane me cos I couldn't finish my dinner ):
Haha but seriously it's rather worrying! Stupid studying. I think it's cos I used to wake up late and study in hall, and there's no food in hall so I kinda skipped lunch and took to snacking... then slowly my appetite went and it became one meal per day. Yesterday was really the worst point-- I had half of my dinner for the entire day and I couldn't eat anymore D: okay plus 3/4 of a cookie for lunch (I couldn't finish it bleh).
HOW??? I DON'T WANT TO TURN ANO. But I also dun feel like eatingggggggg ): Now I must try to condition myself back to eating but ugh the idea of food now nauseates me. Boo life sucks.
p.s. yay I love having friends! friends make me happy (: it's been a looong time since I had dinner with so many people! (even though it was just 5 lol)
Saturday, April 24, 2010
8:11 PM
There is no such thing as 'I can't do this' in life.
You can wail, scream and cry all you want, flail your arms in the air
Who cares? Life is cruel. Time is relentless. It never stops to comfort you and help you back up on your feet.
So like it or not, life goes on.
pardon my constant angsting these few days, work + stress have exacerbated the affect loneliness has on me ): can't wait for all this to end-- 4 more weeks.
5:05 PM
Rarr I dun geddit how do you spend 1.5k words answering a question like 'why is cultural continuity required for proof of native title'?? Isn't the answer simply because you need to show that the aboriginals now were the same bunch of people from the past in which native title was inherently vested?? HOW MANY OTHER POINTS CAN YOU COME UP WITH.
): I hate studying.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
9:43 PM
Stuck here, in the middle of nowhere
With a headache and a heavy heart
Well nothing was going quite right here
And I'm tired; I can't play my part.
Come on come on, oh what a state I'm in
Come on come on, why won't it just sink in?
That help is just around the corner, for us.
Oh my head just won't stop aching,
And I'm sat here licking my wounds
And I'm shattered, but it really doesn't matter
'Cos my rescue is gonna be here soon.
Come on come on, oh what a state I'm in
Come on come on, why won't it just sink in
That help is just around the corner, for us?
That help is just around the corner, for us?
Oh that help is just around the corner, for us?
(: this song shall be my inspiration to get through to 15th june where I'll be home where all my friends and family and good food are!
no matter how horrible things seem now, EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE ONCE I CAN REACH THAT END. (if i dun fail my exams that is)
3:30 PM
So, so, so, so tired.
12:40 AM
Night will follow day
Sure as the sun and moon
Remember I will always be with you
If i'm out of words to say
And I understand you
When you see a darkness coming through
Remember to keep one take shelter from the storm
The night will not last for much more
I wrote in a small note
put on your winter coat
A cold wind will blow through your door
Night will follow day
Sure as the sun and moon
Remember I will always be with you
Just fold your hands and pray
And I am beside you
Tell mother I hope to see you through
Remember to keep one take shelter from the storm
The night will not last for much more
I wrote in a small note
put on your winter coat
A cold wind will blow through your door.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
3:24 PM
Happy birthday lynette lee!!!
Thanks for being my bestie (though I dunno how we concluded that haha) it's been a great 3 years!!! Actually only 1.5 since we only got close mugging during As. It was fun mugging with youuuuu I remember all the stupid little things we did, the emo moments we had, the late nights and early mornings with tehpings! And post-As when we'd always wander about j8 or orchard or bugis dunno doing what. I realised that you've been there both in my happiest moments and my saddest, and I love you for that. Thanks for making dull moments less inane (your favourite word), and lonely times in london less lonely. It's awesome to have someone you can just hang out with without saying much and still feel comfortable. It's even awesomer to have someone you can have really inane conversations with (i.e. 'how your day went') yet not be bored out of your mind. Who says LDRs don't work, ours does! hee hee we haven't broken our 3hour skype record yet!!!
Remember that if we both end up unmarried, we still have each other anyway-- we'll both earn loads of money and buy our dream house with many many rooms and live happily ever after. If I marry and you don't, I'll convince my husband to turn muslim so you can be the vixen second wife okay? If you marry and I don't I'll kill your husband.
Just joking we'll both find THE ONE okay (:
And sorry for being a lousy bestie and not getting you anything!!!!!! I promise something great will appear when I next see you haha.
your darling.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
4:11 PM
Monday, April 19, 2010
10:06 PM
Suddenly feels like eating clotted cream and strawberry jam with scones and tea )):
when you find your castle on the hill
with the bars on the windows
will you burn the bridge behind you?
will you ever come out and see the sun again
or will you hide?
and now how long has it been
since you've seen the light?
make your way on the stairs
to the top of your tower
stone cold floors
hardwood doors
lead you to your room of plastic flowers
they still look the same
drenched in water
it comforts you to think that they're alive
it could have been easier than this
if you threw it all away
what would you miss?
it could have been too much of a chance to take
the silence in your head would have to break
your grip is slipping faster
looks like you'll have to face yourself after all
step outside the shadows of your cage
strangled truth
stolen youth
is written on every line of every page
it's your story
do you want it back?
you have to decide if it is worth it
swim across the swamp to the other side
run until you're out of breath
and when you look back they'll be nothing left
but a memory fading quickly
it could have been easier than this
if you threw it all away
what would you miss?
it could have been too much of a chance to take
the silence in your head would have to break
your grip is slipping faster;
looks like you'll have to face yourself after all.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
11:07 PM

So sweet <3
Friday, April 16, 2010
12:36 AM
Shit I feel like such a lousy mugger!! I am so unmotivated my attention span is DAMN BAD. I wake up midday, have lunch and stone until midafternoon, study for about 3hours (while surfing the net and checking facebook every 5 or 10mins), get so bored I eat dinner just as an excuse to not study, then spend the night sulking at my book and sighing at every page. And it's not like I study late, I usually give up at about 11 and stone around until 3am -.- which makes me wake up late the next day again and on goes the cycle of hardly studying!! So in total I do like, way less hours than you can count on 2 hands :/ which is totally NOT ENOUGH TO COVER ENOUGH TO DO WELL FOR THE EXAMS.
HOW DO PEOPLE SPEND THE ENTIRE DAY DOING WORK?? I am a weak-willed easily distracted louyapok ): See, I'm blogging just because I can't bear to analyse this stupid case in this stupid book which has been stupidly sitting on my desk for a stupid half hour.
I don't wanna do badly for my exams )): but my exam skills have always been this way and although they were forgiven for the As I don't think I'll escape so easily nowwwwwww howwwwwww
Okay quit whining. See that's why I'm not a brilliantassperson. There're many ways to be a genius: 1. brains + hardwork= awesomeness, 2. superbrains=awesomeness 3. superhardwork=awesomeness, and I've only got brains ):
Sigh stressed.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
5:01 PM
I think I can do this, it's something I'm actually good at;
but give me some time
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
6:50 PM
A fking pigeon has been coo-ing loudly outside my window loudly for 6hours. I hate pigeons. We should cook all of them and feed them to dogs.
The squirrels on the other hand are SUPER CUTE. One of them scampered up to joel's open window just now and tried to steal his nutella, so he spread some on bread and fed it to the squirrel. The squirrel nibbled off all the nutella from the bread and flung the rest away! DAMN CUTE. Should have taken a video.
Monday, April 12, 2010
6:01 PM
Sunday, April 11, 2010
9:16 PM
Overheard on the bus today:
litte boy: mum look at her shoes mum!
mother: oh wow, what nice shoes she has. just like those I used to own...
little boy: but mum, dad said you have way too many pairs of shoes!
mother: well daddy doesn't know what he's talking about. women cannot live without shoes. remember zach, a woman can NEVER have too many pairs of shoes.
Thursday, April 08, 2010
2:56 PM
Further proof of joel's extreme machoness:
recommend me some movies to watch
american beauty, got naked girl one
oh omg stardust!!!
LOL. Oh the irony.
It's damn hot and sunny out I can't believe I'm stuck in my room )):
p.s. who the hell gives themselves a long unintelligible name and then get themselves into a lawsuit high profile enough for me to have to memorise it??? I mean seriously, Suisse Atlantique Societe d’Armament Maritime SA v NV Rotterdamsche Kolen Centrale [1967]? you've got to be kidding me
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
11:31 PM
WTF you've got to be freaking
ridiculous to have oral sex in the COMMON KITCHEN.
Okay lol yongbin walked into them, not me thank goodness
/edit/ they are having sex ALL THE TIME and I wouldn't care except it's DAMN ANNOYING to hear their bed creaking and their moans, in the morning, in the middle of the day, while studying at night and while sleeping at night. Geez seriously don't they get like abrasions or something?????? And what's with this huge burst of passion were they doing an LDR???? Is the guy going to jail (he has a hell load of tattoos man) or does he have terminal cancer??? GRRR.
12:21 AM
I was just reading about waist to hip ratio and how 0.7 is the optimum measure of female attractiveness and health (according to wiki)! Hohoho and I am a 0.71. Okay not that my body is very attractive but at least I'm HEALTHY.
And not true that I have no hips lor. It's just that everything is proportionately mini-sized! If I put it that way it all makes perfect sense (:
If you're as bored as me friends, go measure yourselves:
zzz studying sucks!!!
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
5:47 PM
suddenly misses singapore rain.
1:37 AM
Some one keeps having sex on our floor. Either in the room between yongbin's and mine, or yongbin's and yijun's... or maybe both lol. Some nights I hear moaning (yesterday's included a passage of 'you hit my leg! you hit my leg! oh! oh!' as well) and today night's is just a series of rhythmic bed creaking. Woah. It's creaking damn fast now. Some action man.
Aha I'm damn curious to know who it is! Since it's probably one of the angmohs who lived on our floor previously... Yongbin said one of the tourists knocked on his door and asked him if he was watching porn very loudly LOL. And this is epic:
Yong Bin says:
I knocked on their door for fun last night haha
Yong Bin says:
Then i slipped a piece of paper with gd job on it
Yong Bin says:
Yong Bin says:
Too bored
Sunday, April 04, 2010
5:37 PM
I miss my church buddy jeremy my new church buddy sucks shit I want to go to church its easter sunday easter sundayyyyyy why don't I go alone because I'm not comfortable with the churches here I miss my old church
1:45 AM

Friends, I recommend to you the washington red delicious apples. They're super pretty and I swear the sweetest apples I have ever tasted. Coming from a person who thinks every fruit is sour if its not overripe and verging on mushy, it is REALL DAMN AWESOMELY SWEET. (y)
12:38 AM
): Why is it so hard to keep true?
Friday, April 02, 2010
7:02 PM
Thanks to nette I was reading our blog entries during the As period and ZOMG were we utter slackers. Playing the guitar, bickering, making fake boyfriends for wanjoo, dancing the batchdance in the middle of the night, having childish fights, walking in the rain, smsing vulgarities to the councilroom phone, video-ing talkshows, pulling failed all-nighters in school amongst other nonsense. I can't believe that 3 days before As we were wiping filth off the councilroom fans and discovering they weren't black but a bright blue. I miss the councilroom mugging gang! We had so much fun then, even though we hardly studied and totally didn't deserve our awesome grades. zz. I wish uni was as easy so we could have fun too but nooooo I'm so screwed cos LYNETTE LEE INSISTS ON SKYPING ME AND DISTRACTING ME but I love you anyways <3
5:11 PM
I can give the hundred million reasons
to build a barricade
blame it on the changing of the seasons
the thoughts that I convey
Does it make it alright?
it doesn't make it alright
To roll it over my soul
leave me here
roll it over my soul
leave me here.
Look around at all the plastic people
who live without a care
try to sit with me around my table
but never bring a chair
Does it make it alright?
it doesn't make it alright
To roll it over my soul
leave me here
roll it over my soul
and leave me here.
Thursday, April 01, 2010
7:49 PM
I can't believe this but I actually think I'm becoming wayy too skinny! Like that's possible but yes zz I am officially a stick. Normally I wouldn't care, but I think my non-existent boobs are shrinking even further SO I MUST DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Salvage the unsalvageable. But there's no food in the hall ): Had biscuits for lunch and instant noodles for dinner yesterday ): zz life sucks. Sigh. I shall waste away into oblivion. Bye friends, the next time you see me you're going to have to stare very hard to find me ):
2:10 AM
Feels like winter all over again ):