Sunday, November 28, 2010
10:25 AM
Haha YAY we finally booked our family holiday :D
We've decided to go to gran canaria! One of the canary islands belonging to spain. Haha we couldn't go to morocco because of the dates sadly, but this is almost as cool! Since it's right next to morocco (i think) it has a DESERT somewhere down south.

please tell me how cool this looks. 11 to 18 degrees in winter life will be so awesome, seeing how it's november and it's already -4 degrees at this moment.
There's a volcano in the middle of the island, many small villages on the west and coves, lagoons and I have no idea what else on the northwest! There are olive groves and almond orchards, desert lizards and eagles and deer and rabbits and camels. Such a weird mix of everything lol.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
5:51 PM
I hate it when people fight.
5:09 PM
Do you ever miss somebody random very much, very suddenly and very inexplicably? Hmm. The last time that happened to me I overseas msged the person and found out his favouritest grandma (as if we have many grandmas lol) died.
I wonder if it means anything now, or if I'm just being random.
Friday, November 26, 2010
2:39 PM
probs going to turkey with vanessa insteadd!! (: hahaha going south rather than north to avoid the terrible cold winter.
WINTER THIS YEAR IS SO COLD. Coldest in like a century or something D: omg it's supposed to snow TOMORROW. and it's only november. sadd.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
11:33 AM
Was forced awake at 7.45am today to have breakfast with the housemates and to go take a stroll around brunswick! Where we happily did even more grocery shopping and window shopping the shops (omg feels like buying more clothes DIE).
This is the life. I love my house and my housemates and I couldn't ask for more! (: Yay. Except maybe more sleep hmm.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
9:27 PM
Omg DAMN excited now about the december holidays coming.
Once it arrives it'll really be a race for time!!
School ends--> MANDY VISITS AND WE'RE GOING BELGIUM TOGETHER :D for a week!--> come back, and leave for morocco (or turkey, but hopefully morocco!!) with my darling housemates! for 3 days because auds needs to study boo--> xmas in 5 days! get busy being excited for xmas and decorating the house and buying gifts--> CHRISTMASS WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS--> BOXING DAY SALES omg!! we're going to bicester village to shop the branded sales man--> 4 more days to the new year!!--> HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! :D--> pack for my next adventure--> probs going to vienna and amsterdam with vanessa my newest nice friend for a week whee!--> school starts again ):
Hahaha this is going to be a huge dent in my finances man. Looks like I need to cut down on shopping ): But YAY sooo psyched for xmas :D Hopefully none of my plans fall through!! Very possible since everything's still up in the air while the ticket prices are slowly creeping up by the day... PRAYS HARD.
Okay back to reality where my zillion essays are looking at me expectantly and my moot problem remains undone whoohoo.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
3:36 PM
The weather is getting so cold that I am perpetually hungry these days. We walked all the way to waitrose to grocery shop early this morning because we were craving waffles with strawberry cheesecake icecream, and then had bakkutteh for lunch! An hour later edds came back from an event with a box of nasi lemak and the two of us totally DEVOURED it despite having had a heavy lunch. My poor tummy is protesting against the indiscriminate cramming of random foods the poor thing.
BUT I STILL FEEL LIKE EATING MORE FOOD. Totally going to grow fat and have a fat face this winter sigh ):
And hahaha I have so much work to do over the weekend it's ridiculous, yet yesterday I still spent the day out shopping at oxford street!!! D: And then becca came over for late dinner and we were listening to lame music like BOOM BOOM BOOM by vengaboys and dancing to it the entire night -.- we were essentially CLUBBING IN MY KITCHEN I have such lame friends I can't believe it. I bet my neighbours despise us ahaha.
And I hate it how I have free fridays which I totally need to use to finish work, but something ALWAYS pops up like impromptu shopping dates or movie marathons or visiting friends. Grr need to start acknowledging that I'm a busy loserish student whose life revolves around school.
BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM, I want you in my room! Let's spend the night together, from now until forever~
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
7:16 PM
Today as with many other wednesdays, I was walking to school with audrey. The difference with today was that our usual chatter was interrupted by an old man hobbling towards us, and who suddenly stopped, pointed at me and said, 'young lady, your pants are too short!'. He then smiled and continued on his hobbly journey, impervious to the stunned silence that fell between us.
HAHA. In my defence I was wearing my shorts with tights, albeit tights that were a little too insubstantial for the impending winter season... time to wear more clothes zz D: But hey, if anyone should complain about my shorts they should have done so in singapore, where I wore them tights-less!
Forgive me for the sudden increase in formality of my writing, just finished one friggin essay. Ugh hate essays.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
12:50 PM
I love how laid back I still am, even though I have 3 (THREE wtf) frigging essays due by the week and a tort moot which I happily signed up for despite not doing tort happening next week. Whoo hoo life.
We bought our christmas tree today :D The counter person TOTALLY despised us. He smirked and said 'early this year eh?' before walking away, his judgment heavy upon us. Hey counterguy, when you wanna get your tree 2 weeks later and realise it's ALL sold out, we'll see who'll be the one laughing.
It's your time
It's your day
It's never too late
To change lanes
How's your life?
How's your place?
Was it where you wanted
Your head to lay?
But wait, you can breathe
You can see what I can see
Don't waste your time
You can't make back
If you could rewind your time
Would you change your life?
Do you like you?
Do you love your wife?
Or did you pick what
You're told was right?
Dream and be
What you feel
Don't you compromise
What you wanna be
'Cause change is okay
What's the point in staying the same
Regrets, forget what's dead and gone
If you could rewind your time
Would you change your life?
If Jesus rode in on a camel today
With your cross on his shoulder
Time to take you away
Have you done all you wanted?
Are you happy and warm?
Do you miss someone special
You don't see anymore?
Have you blood on your hands?
Do you dream of white sands?
Can you sleep well at night?
Have you done all you can?
The place I was born in
Stays crooked and straight
I see innocent blue eyes
Go blind everyday
Rewind your time
Would you change your life
Sunday, November 14, 2010
3:28 PM
Life can sometimes be a big Fuck You. It is currently waving both its middle fingers in my face very happily at the moment.
And in other news, sometimes I resent God for stealing my older brother away from me. I can't even have a decent conversation with him without him referring everything back to loving God and trusting in him. I mean, yeah okay that works in an abstract fashion, but while praying and waiting for God to decide to do something what am I supposed to do in the meantime? You know, sometimes when you're lost you'd probably be looking for more substantial advice than 'look to God to fill your insecurities' and 'pray about it. I'll pray for you.' I miss the big brother who wasn't so far up in the clouds to hear what I'm actually talking about.
I'm such a bad christian haha.
1:25 PM
Some things just aren't all that worth it, the trouble is finding out what those things are.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
3:38 PM
Haha tried to be haps today and followed a student demonstration down to charingcross with some lse peeps. It totally had nothing to do with us at all, it was about freezing local uni fees and preventing uni funding cuts, but I saw some photos of another demonstration that happened a few days back in school which resulted in a fire and thought it looked rather exciting! All I concluded from attending this protest is--- londoners are really damn lame hahaha. All that happened was a bunch of people gathering in one of the busiest parts of London, holding up lame but catchy signboards (A ratty piece of cardboard declaring "Now I don't have money for a signboard!"), wearing funny makeup (some people were dressed as vampires-- bloodsuckers geddit) shouting lame manifestos and clogging up traffic for miles. It was super disorganised and I don't think it's going to be effective in doing anything at all save annoying the general public trying to go about their day! But OHWELL thats the difference between sg and london. At least london's exciting, even if it's super inefficient (:
Tomorrow there is going to be a new protest protesting about this 'freeze the fees' protest. Wow seriously how bored are uni students.
Saturday, November 06, 2010
9:31 PM
Don't rock the boat if you don't want to fall into the water, if you don't need to know how cold it feels or how deep it is or whether it will drown you.
We are really damn childish in this house haha. But I don't really care because it makes me happy! I'm happy being childish (: Oh oh oh and we made strawberry cheesecake smoothie as dessert for dinner! (:
Omg we just rewatched the 'Whole New World' scene in Aladdin 8 times hahahaha ALADDIN IS SOOOO HANDSOME sigh. We totally need a magic carpet and a boyfriend like aladdin <3
I can show you the world, shining shimmering spleeeendidddd, tell me princess, now when did you last let your heartttt decideeee? ~
2:23 PM
Guy Fawkes' day fireworks are DAMN awesome! Didn't expect it to be such a huge thing, the traffic was sooo bad cos everyone was just trying to get to the park. We were stuck on the bus and everyone was getting out-- when we looked out the window it was like the whole population of london was migrating towards the park lol. The bus took so long the fireworks started while we were still on it, so gave up and followed the crowd feeling very haps. Yay I love london.
And my housemates are TOTALLY my parents. Back in sg my dad used to msg me at 11pm to ask me what time I was coming home... last night at 11pm, edds asked me what time I was coming home cos "papa v worried for you!! come home early!!" and audrey also asked me what time I was heading back cos she wanted to see if she should wait up for me and walk me home if necessary (which is exactly what my real mummy does when I come home late). Omg. Please despise them now. Hahahaha loving my housemates lah totally pseudo parents.
zz totally no mood to studyyy
Audrey and I spent the morning doing stupid stuff like walking to angel's iceland to grocery shop, trying out new dishes (white wine cream sauce pasta lol) and then we made gingerbread latte with baileys :D It is awesome throwing gingerbread men into the blender. We are so cool.
CHRISTMAS IS COMING :D I cannot believe we seem like the only 2 people in london feeling so excited about it!! It's CHRISTMAS. Everyone we tell about our family christmas plans just look at us like we are damn lame D: We're already humming christmas tunes every day and OMG next week we start to put up the xmas decor :D whee! LOVE christmas!
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
9:47 PM
Yay moodswing how fun. The girls in the house have synchronised periods, so that was 2 blackfaces at edds in the morning the poor thing.
Had a high afternoon and now I'm in a grumpy anti-people mood again grr. Screwed up our dinner very bad (we had extremely mushy fried beehoon ))):), drank too much avocado milk smoothie and I feel like a bloated cow now, and I have too much work due tmr. Life is horrible ugh.
6:51 PM
Hee hee I got a new stereo and I loves it!! I should stop wasting money on my room like this, but it's hard to not be persuaded by the 'it's an investment for 2 years!!' argument.
Monday, November 01, 2010
11:12 PM
Totally taken aback at the recent discovery of a scandal I apparently have that I never knew I had woah.
That is a very longwinded way of saying I'm very happily single living singlehood life to the max! But it's rather sad to realise that you don't really need to have someone when you're very happy with your current life... zomg what if I'm destined to be unmarried forever???
Okay nevermind shall not think about that.
In other news, karina came over on sunday and made sushi with auds and I for dinner (: NEVER AGAIN. Given the effort needed to make sushi, we seriously think it should be even more ex than what they currently go for in singapore lah. AND omg church! There was this little kid in church who was super hyperactive. He kept jumping around and smiling at joel and I he was soooo cute. And when joel stuck out his hand the kid high-fived it SO CUTE RIGHT. Hee hee we then gave him our hands and he held them throughout praise and worship omg I died of cuteness overload. Cannot wait to go church next sunday just to see the kid again I am such a paedo I know.
Okay tired bye.