Monday, May 13, 2013
4:19 PM
Hello, dearest blog -- its been a while.
This is the first time I've looked at this place in months, and oh my how have I not noticed how full of angst this place is.
So this is a happy post to cheer things up! My life on hindsight really does not feel as sad as I make it sound, in fact I'm sure I've been more happy than sad in the larger scale of things; but I guess angst makes me much more eloquent than happiness does. Huh.
Anyhoo. Life goes on. I'm probably too old right now for cryptic, angst-ridden posts on blogger, so I shall keep this short. Haha! To think that in the span of the few months that I have not blogged, I have apparently "grown up". Gosh, all these false pretenses.
Yeah anyway working is as much an emotional conundrum as everything else in my life is, I do need to make up my goddamned mind about my feelings on things some day. Fulfilling but stressful, makes me very happy and very sad as well, blah blah. I will be glad for the impending break though.
It's been a while.